Brokerage services


Active member
I just found out that TD Waterhouse is being consumed by Ameritrade....not my favorite brokerage firm...

Would anybody recommend a GOOD brokerage house that has a good reputation to move accounts to....????
Warren Buffet

Take a look at Sharebuilders - owned by Buffet.

Besides you don't need a broker - you only need a home-made Kamakazi Kit.

Don't play on the tracks.

I'm looking to have a good year with you in my ear. Take Care.

The_Technician said:
I just found out that TD Waterhouse is being consumed by Ameritrade....not my favorite brokerage firm...

Would anybody recommend a GOOD brokerage house that has a good reputation to move accounts to....????


A lot of the frills are also available free on the net. Then U got to figure cost per trade, cost to buy (ask), and the cost to sell (bid). How many funds do you want to work with!
Do they have a location near you?
How is their customer service!
What about your trading money. Will they give You returns on it!

Rgds :cool: Spaf
Me Too !!!

The_Technician said:
I just found out that TD Waterhouse is being consumed by Ameritrade....not my favorite brokerage firm...

Would anybody recommend a GOOD brokerage house that has a good reputation to move accounts to....????

I have TD Waterhouse also... why don't you like Ameritrade???
fuzzduzz said:
I have TD Waterhouse also... why don't you like Ameritrade???

I have a tradecentral account with waterhouse no problems..
Ameritrade will add a few bells and whisles to it...

The Technician---

I use Firstrade. $6.95 per trade on limit and market orders. But you have to do your own research. Also, it's not designed for penny stocks.