bmneveu's Account Talk

Regardless of whether I want to be in or out of the market, I will force myself to IFT back to the G fund sometime this week. I have a short deployment coming up very soon and I will not be able to make IFTs during that span of time. So to play it safe, I will ride out the deployment in the G fund. I think my IFT will either be Monday or Tuesday. Just like last week, I plan on Tuesday being a reversal day. "Turnaround Tuesday." Whichever direction equities go on Monday, I expect the opposite to happen Tuesday. So if we are up on Monday, I'll get out. If we are down, I'll wait and hope Tuesday is up and get out then.

I pretty much doubled my returns for the year in this month alone. These kinds of months don't happen often, specially for me. If I didn't find this site and community 3 years ago, I would have coasted through it in the G fund and collected a handful of pennies. You guys are the primary reason I will retire years earlier than the person I was before I came here (that person might not have been able to retire at all). I can't thank you all enough for that.

Let's close this half year out strong and do it again on the other side!
it looks like you dodged a bullet there today on the strong climb into the close. i still remain short term bearish and can't make an ift until july, so i'm just along for the ride at this point. the market will do what the market does without me anyways.
it looks like you dodged a bullet there today on the strong climb into the close. i still remain short term bearish and can't make an ift until july, so i'm just along for the ride at this point. the market will do what the market does without me anyways.

I thought today might be flat or at best make up the -0.1% I lost yesterday, but the market really likes the housing report this morning and we are heading up as we speak. I should get out today because I'll be in the air all night and tomorrow and won't have access to even see the market (let alone IFT) other than paying $20/mb of international data on my iPhone. So it's either today, or ride it out until Thursday at the earliest. I'll probably IFT out today and take my June gains to the bank.
Still riding up the handle. RSI shows we are pretty overbought, but we learned in February that we can keep going up regardless of that. I'm getting out today because of my deployment, but it looks like I could miss some pretty sweet gains.

EDIT: This is also me admitting that if I time this move at the top, it was out of complete luck.

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What happened right after the deadline? We were looking at some decent gains in the S fund until then...
What happened right after the deadline? We were looking at some decent gains in the S fund until then...
Under my conspiracy theory the people managing our accounts notice a little shift to F and G funds and may be selling now to have profit when they settle with TSPers at a lower stock price at the close. This is a theory only. They may not release the trend of our moves but it seams suspicious. JMO
TSP Talk AutoTracker
I'm back. I see we went up a cliff at the end of June (which dropped me from #1 to over #100 for the month) and then off of it here in July. I want to jump in to grab some pennies, but first I need to figure out if there will be any pennies to grab.
I'm back. I see we went up a cliff at the end of June (which dropped me from #1 to over #100 for the month) and then off of it here in July. I want to jump in to grab some pennies, but first I need to figure out if there will be any pennies to grab.

Come on in. The water's fine. :-)
I woke up this morning wanting to buy a dip. I see there is no dip to buy as of right now. I think I want to be in just because I've been out for so long. That's not a good reason, but I'm (relatively) young and want to play. I'm still in the top 10 on the AT for non-premium members on the year, but every time I see a big up day I think, "man I coulda been in for that." I also need something to put my trading account cash in to. I'm thinking AT&T could see a nice pop from the Amazon Fire phone sales, similar to what the iPhone did to each carrier as they added on. I'm gonna look into that.
The dip was at 10am, one had to be quick.

I woke up this morning wanting to buy a dip. I see there is no dip to buy as of right now. I think I want to be in just because I've been out for so long. That's not a good reason, but I'm (relatively) young and want to play. I'm still in the top 10 on the AT for non-premium members on the year, but every time I see a big up day I think, "man I coulda been in for that." I also need something to put my trading account cash in to. I'm thinking AT&T could see a nice pop from the Amazon Fire phone sales, similar to what the iPhone did to each carrier as they added on. I'm gonna look into that.
Bought REM, the REIT ETF, at $12.35. Expecting it to trade ex-dividend in 2 days for a 2.5-3% gain, then I'll possibly sell.
Note to self: Buy REM on ex-D day, not before. -2.5% today. ouch. That loss washes out the gains I would have received from the dividend. I will hold this position a little while longer for the bounce back to make a small profit and then probably get out. I don't think holding REITs longterm is a good move right now with higher interest rates coming next year.

Thinking about jumping in today 50C / 50S. I want a position in C because it has been so strong. I want a position in S because it has unperformed C and has the potential to correct that to the upside.
I took the plunge. The strength today is encouraging but preventing me from getting a good entry price. Damn IFT rules.

Note to self: Buy REM on ex-D day, not before. -2.5% today. ouch. That loss washes out the gains I would have received from the dividend. I will hold this position a little while longer for the bounce back to make a small profit and then probably get out. I don't think holding REITs longterm is a good move right now with higher interest rates coming next year.

Thinking about jumping in today 50C / 50S. I want a position in C because it has been so strong. I want a position in S because it has unperformed C and has the potential to correct that to the upside.
Note to self: Buy REM on ex-D day, not before. -2.5% today. ouch. That loss washes out the gains I would have received from the dividend.
Was it a 2.5% dividend? Every stock does that. Whatever $$ value the dividend is, the stock will open at the previous close less that dividend amount.