bmneveu's Account Talk

Sold TNA @ $49.50 for a pretty sweet gain. TSP is still 50C/50S. I jumped in 1 day too early on that and took the beating Monday. If today stays at 1%+ I should get back to break even. I'll probably ride that allocation out into July just so I'm exposed in the new month, giving me a little more IFT play room.

This June has been my most profitable month ever. My trading account has gained 18.3% MTD and 29% YTD. I wish I could say the same for my TSP account but I'm happy where I'm currently at. I enjoy learning more and more about this game every day.
Hey homes.

When i was a kid i used ride my bike every morning and toss papers. For $30 a month. Don't laugh, it was real work for real money. I used to go to the bank after i collected the dues and get it all in ones.

Then i would toss them all in the air and make it rain. I didn't learn until later what it could get ya.

If i get a free coffee cup i'm going to take it everywhere i go and post pictures. Like some kind of sick where's waldo.
This mornings strong futures would send my most recent IFT into positive territory by about 1.5%. I'm gonna try hard to sit on my hands to stay in till July!
I'm assuming yesterday's last hour rally was insiders buying on this EU news

Edit: I don't see myself getting out today. I want to be invested into July and I think there will be a good day next week to get out on an up day.
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Originally Posted by burrocrat
That's not true nnuut, why it seems like just yesterday what you won all our hearts.

DO NOT excite the apes!
Bought TZA near the close @ $17.53. I'm also long in TSP so i'll win/lose either way the market goes. I'll be looking to take profits quick with whichever account scores first.
IFT 100G. Swiped almost 4% over the last few days. May look at doubling down on my TZA later today as well.

Edit: Will be looking for cheaper prices Soon!