Birchtree's Account Talk

and here's a little something from my garden

If by some miracle, the GDP and jobs data go nutz this wk, you need to get the heck out of dodge with those IFTs that are burning a hole in your TSP.

You get two more next month. Use it or continue to lose it.
C'mon Ferdinand giddy up - the tracker auto bonn is wide open. Very few left in the game and we can make some good gains during the next three trading days. Gimme that +200 point pop today that no one trusts.
You've got it all wrong. It's not like a game where I'm trying to 'convert' you and then I can leave.

It's more like you're my Big Brother that I am totally honored to love and hold in the highest regard no matter what.

So if I would ever leave - especially if I have to step back and deal with some crap and let everything finally disappear - that would never have anything to do with you -- gosh all the more in that kind of way.

I love ya the way you are Birch - you don't need to change in anyway.

Re: and here's a little something from my garden

If by some miracle, the GDP and jobs data go nutz this wk, you need to get the heck out of dodge with those IFTs that are burning a hole in your TSP.

You get two more next month. Use it or continue to lose it.

Well not a miracle, but hey.......a surprise GDP and you do nada? Talk about a gift horse. Today was free money.

Hubba hubba, bigga troubba, for you, if the market is a two-day pony and you let those IFT's'll be sorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope all is well, I've accumulated my first 100 shares of GE and will hold it for a very very long time. As for TSP, i've taken 25% F to the G, so perhaps now you might catch me on the next upleg? Best hope your 60% C doesn't lag too much...
Market thumpage today - a sucker's rally I portend:

The hindenburg continues to burn; and the market is going to give up ANOTHER 2-4% this week.
I have around 80 dividends due to hit my oceanic during September. They will start to roll in on 9/1 - so a down to sideways movement of the market will mean more shares gathered at reasonable prices. So I'll just be patient while the cash goes to work - it's sort of like compounding. The more shares gained the higher the dividend payout - three months later the dividend payout will be larger.
Market thumpage today - a sucker's rally I portend:

The hindenburg continues to burn; and the market is going to give up ANOTHER 2-4% this week.

Got half that covered today... It didn't look that bad at 11:50am, so I thought what the heck..and moved to G and F. If it fights thru this and takes off, I'm screwed.
"Bottom line is we're trading between 1050 massive support and 1131 massive resistance. Which ever goes first will be huge. The bears need to put distance below 1080 first and then work on 1050. The bulls need to keep this market from losing 1080 S&P 500 with force so that they don't have to deal with trying to hold 1050."

You said it (8/17/10)- so - after today, what's your latest prediction? I'll post mine on my thread.

Futurestrader is trying to catch up with my leadership on the # IFTs. I'm going for a hundred. Take that, Mr. Long!
Gee wiz Ferdinand we just never seem to catch a break around here. Already the Dow is +221 and we got 14 dividends due for reinvestment today - and they will all buy at higher prices which means fewer shares - boo hoo. And of course fewer shares means a lower dividend amount than we could have next time around - but we got the rest of the month to continue trying for lower prices. Today may take me back to the zero line on the tracker. Could we close up +300 today to really make my life miserable.
Market thumpage today - a sucker's rally I portend:

The hindenburg continues to burn; and the market is going to give up ANOTHER 2-4% this week.

Ah but the lead Zeppelin is rising from the ashes today...until it bounces of that ol' descending resistance???? Time will tell. :toung: