Ah Ha.
CNN's reporter is wrong. There is no rule that says only those parts can be reused.
Here is the rule itself- from
As you can see- the rule ONLY requires the engine block not to be reused- and the drive train, unless the drive train is disassembled into parts. If it is, then the drive train could also be reused.
From page 53 of the rule: (Section 599.400 to 403, disposal requirements)
View attachment 6636
A disposal facility is free to remove and sell doors, airbags, (both items that the CNN reporter said they could not), as well as any other component of the vehcile traded in. The ONLY exception is the engine block, and complete drive train. The drive train would have to be disassembled into parts to sell the parts. (Transmission, drive shaft, rear end, each could be sold as a seperate unit).
I never said CNN was accurate in their reporting.
Thanks for the reference. We all ought to bombard CNN with the facts, and demand a retraction.
But then it wouldn't be as good a video to stir up opposition to the program, now would it?
CNN never lets facts get in the way of a story, eh?