I don't think Hank and Ben's motives are so black/white. Their bailout does favor GS and financail institutions, but it helps a lot more than just that and I do believe any intervention slows the decline and slows the rush to unemployment lines. On a sidenote, we're going to have to bailout the automakers and BAC too if they can't put a hold on it. BAC paid way too much for MER, and MER didn't de-leverage. So I imagine they just purchased billions in toxic debt, and they now fall under a "too big to fail" moniker too. If you vote no on the bailout, we crash and will have to bailout, if you vote yes, we have a chance... either way, global socialism is where we are and where we're headed each time we take a further step. Here comes Ron Paul to slap 'em on the wrist.