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Senator Bernie Sanders petition against Paulson's bailout.
Please email it to everyone you know.
Senator Bernie Sanders petition against Paulson's bailout.
Please email it to everyone you know.
Here is what they are saying now....bout the real truth?? Don't know but worth a is from
What has become clear is that Treasury plans to purchase bad assets from banks at prices very near their original value. The risk to taxpayers under this program would be tremendous. If housing prices continue to fall, so will the value of the paper the government has purchased. Under this set of circumstances the public could be at risk for underwriting the great majority of the Treasury's purchases and never having a chance to recoup their investment.
I can't help but think, at his core, Paulson is a trained, engrained broker. Every time various brokers lost me money in a 'managed account', they would follow it up immediately with 'add more money, now's the best time to buy'.
Anyone want to start a pool as to when Sen Chris Dodd goes to Jail.
cut & pasted from wikipedia on Paulson... is it foolish to hope that this bailout is altruistic?
FedGolfer,Warren Buffett on CNBC this AM was amazing for confidence in this plan. They needed him on the Hill yesterday. He didn't like the US taxpayer paying closer to the "hold to maturity price" versus the fire-sale price which is probably the more current price for the distressed assets of the banks. But he was behind immediate action and passage... he's putting $5B up that it will get through... said he wouldn't have put money into GS if gov't wasn't going to act. Sounds like this is a done deal and we're just getting the appropriations dog n' pony show.