350zCommtech's Account Talk

Btw, any more details about this new RTC thingy? I'm at work and can't watch TV.:D
More importantly, who's going to fund this thing? You, me, our children, and our grand children?
Hi 350Z,
So far all that's been heard of the "RTC-thingy" is a report (rumor) put out by CNBC. When CNBC specifically asked the WH and Treasury, they "refused any comment"!!
-All the talk of "naked short-selling"-as manipulating the market - at same time - the CNBC rumor mill strikes! Suppose that's OK though (as long as manipulation helps)!??

I'm happy for our MB folks that were hurting, but now I think we need to wonder what will happen tomorrow - being end of week (and quad-witching)?
Also wondering just how much will the overseas markets respond tonight (to the rumor).:blink:
Love to hear on these latter questions -if anyone finds info! :worried:
SEC is telling TWSJ that they are going to order a temporary ban on all short selling following in the steps of the UK. This will trap 18 billion shares in Charlotte's Web. Somebody better get some tourniquets.
SEC is telling TWSJ that they are going to order a temporary ban on all short selling following in the steps of the UK. This will trap 18 billion shares in Charlotte's Web. Somebody better get some tourniquets.

LOL!!! WOW!!!! How dumb can they be?

Without short selling, you wouldn't have short covering rallies like you had today. If this idea is enacted, the next time there is a big sell off, the market might drop 1000+ points.:laugh:

Btw, I'm sick of all this BS. I'll be on the golf course tomorrow.
SEC is telling TWSJ that they are going to order a temporary ban on all short selling following in the steps of the UK. This will trap 18 billion shares in Charlotte's Web. Somebody better get some tourniquets.

Just curious, but what happens when your position is tied up in the shorts and they bann it? Do you have to sell at a certian price or lose it?
You can either sit on your position and loose money as the market rallies or you can buy back the stock that was shorted - either way you are trapped if the market continues to go up - when you are short your losses are infinite because there is no top.
I hate it when I sell it down, then buy it back 3 days later for more than I sold it for!

I'm so stupid.

Don't know what to do anymore.
You can either sit on your position and loose money as the market rallies or you can buy back the stock that was shorted - either way you are trapped if the market continues to go up - when you are short your losses are infinite because there is no top.

Stupid question #2 -- And if the market goes down you continue to make money?
Yes, as long as you hold your short position you will make money if the market trends lower. The only problem now is if you did a naked short you may face some legal penalties or your broker will - and then they come after you with a margin type call or a reg T call. If I were short I'd have a serious game plan to extricate myself from this bear trap - because tomorrow who knows where the top may be - could be 1000 points higher.
I hate it when I sell it down, then buy it back 3 days later for more than I sold it for!

I'm so stupid.

Don't know what to do anymore.

Wow - what a surprise !!!

I've thought about you a lot lately - especially after JeffATC and 350z came back. It's great knowing you're still around.

Well it's hard to say GGal - of course Birch is all fired up and the moon is only another month or two away. If things go as he expects then your thousands will turn into millions and your millions will turn into 'bail out reliefs' - so missing the bulleye's once in awhile may be more to hold on to when the money collectors start lookn' around.

I'm glad you're still with us and still hoping and praying that some miricle can happen with your vision.

Take care,
I hate it when I sell it down, then buy it back 3 days later for more than I sold it for!

I'm so stupid.

Don't know what to do anymore.

Don't be so hard on yourself. You are far from stupid and these IFT limit are screwing with many of us. At least before if you made a bad move you could reverse the position now you are stuck and that sucks.

Hang in there GG.
350z, you got to love the TSP Board and their esteemed advisors.

I've suffered huge 1-week losses on top of earlier losses to save and IFT. Now, the question is what will that IFT be worth to you and those without and IFT. Hopefully, it will even out.

The bitter pill is, several of us on this board could have easily have netted 8%-10% out of this volitility with just 2 more IFT's in a week and half.

Oh, yea, the TSP fund managers get to save some chump change in costs.

Put me in this group. I would have missed yesterday, but been in today! Oh well.
Everyone from celebrities, to in denial billionaires, over paid CEO’s, and now, the peoples’ voice, and our representatives in the government, the glorious and powerful US Senate.
It looks like everyone had their hands in the mortgage cookie jar. Good Rate Chocolate Chips and No Cost Macadamia Mortgage Nut cookies for all.
AP: Countrywide Financial, the largest mortgage lender at the center of the US housing crisis, regularly gave loans on favorable terms to prominent lawmakers and former cabinet members, according to US media. The preferential treatment for senators including Democrat Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and a recent presidential candidate, was approved by Angelo Mozilo, chief executive of Countrywide Financial, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. :notrust:
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And to think Dodd and Nancy are the tip of the spear on this, the biggest Gov. bailout ever (call it whatever).
I generally like dinner and a movie first. :rolleyes:
Everyone from celebrities, to in denial billionaires, over paid CEO’s, and now, the peoples’ voice, and our representatives in the government, the glorious and powerful US Senate.
It looks like everyone had their hands in the mortgage cookie jar. Good Rate Chocolate Chips and No Cost Macadamia Mortgage Nut cookies for all.
AP: Countrywide Financial, the largest mortgage lender at the center of the US housing crisis, regularly gave loans on favorable terms to prominent lawmakers and former cabinet members, according to US media. The preferential treatment for senators including Democrat Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and a recent presidential candidate, was approved by Angelo Mozilo, chief executive of Countrywide Financial, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. :notrust:
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And to think Dodd and Nancy are the tip of the spear on this, the biggest Gov. bailout ever (call it whatever).
I generally like dinner and a movie first. :rolleyes:

So this bailout is cover their arses at our expense. I say impeach them all--oh yeah--from the top on down(did I really say that!! oopps)
How bout we all change our withholdings to 10 or more so that we all owe at the end of year(withhold their tax$ for a change). At least if this country goes down the tubes, we can all say ...we helped.(sic):blink:
Oh and I liked to be kissed first along with dinner and movie.