350zCommtech's Account Talk

With that kind of $ sloshing around the bail out issue should evaporate as all property foreclosed or not should inflate at least 5-10x.

Would it be useful to have a new thread on bailout alternatives?
Ohhhhhh...I like this idea. As for inflation, Ben said this morning that he doesn't expect any impact on inflation for the $700B bailout plan, so $85B is a no brainer.:D
Ohhhhhh...I like this idea. As for inflation, Ben said this morning that he doesn't expect any impact on inflation for the $700B bailout plan, so $85B is a no brainer.:D

Hmmm, let's see... who was it who also said that the sub-prime mess was "contained" to a small sector of the financials and that the economy and banking systems were "fundamentally sound"?

I'm struggling to remember...
Hmmm, let's see... who was it who also said that the sub-prime mess was "contained" to a small sector of the financials and that the economy and banking systems were "fundamentally sound"?

I'm struggling to remember...

And also that thing about FNM/FRE being well capitalized about a month or two ago.

More and more, they are sounding like those Enron CEO's.
OK ENOUGH as Obama states what a joke. McCain is going to Washington and he pissed so I would urge the Republicans to get this right. Obama that goofy clown this talk in Florida is more important. They should make him fly in the cargo section back to Washington for the 10 AM meeting with Bush. Since he's been getting a free ride from the press all the sudden this fraud want to debate Friday when McCain called for 13 debates.

Having a debate is more important to Obama than actually doing something positive. What a fraud and when the chips are down who do we want the man who looks out for himself or the Soldier who always puts his country first. Obama lost some votes today hopefully people see that McCain is action and Obama is words. McCain just won this election today because this unfolded before the nation and Obama was exposed. He doesn't not care about America and never has !!!!!!
Anyone who makes a cent in the market in the next week or so can thank John McCain.
BH, I enjoy your posts, but I don't think we were watching the same television today. While we all have our own opinions on this, especially since the elections gotten so negative, let's just agree that they both want what's best for the guy on Main Street, a far cry from those that either abrogated their responsibilities or intentionally pursued this course to put the nation at such risk. :D

BH, I enjoy your posts, but I don't think we were watching the same television today. While we all have our own opinions on this, especially since the elections gotten so negative, let's just agree that they both want what's best for the guy on Main Street, a far cry from those that either abrogated their responsibilities or intentionally pursued this course to put the nation at such risk. :D


Absolutely and my point is Sen Obama has an obligation to the folks in Illinois just as Sen McCain is to Arizona. Their voices of concern in a political debate are meaningless in the middle of the largest breakdown of the American Financial system. While most media would say this is McCain looking for some gain he proved once again America is first just as he did during the Repub Convention during a national crisis with the Hurricane. The media bias is still not enough to fool most Americans because if that were true and Sen Obama was indeed the candidate of change one would think he would be pro-active not reactive with a 30 point lead in the polls but he is not. He found time to go to Berlin but not Washington DC when just maybe his voice could make a real difference for all of America yet he choose Florida ironically the same state he tried to ban from the Dem. Convention. Indeed as Rev. Wright put it "the chickens have come home to roost" but I wil make a bold prediction the media and the followers of Sen Obama are in for a shock come election day.

I think this plan for the market is terrible and the voice/leader of the democratic party should take action and work across party lines. Does a single American actually believe Sen Obama will be able to cut taxes when this is passed because that is impossible. His entire campaign and agenda was based upon rolling back those tax cuts and putting a tax on small business making 250K or more so that is impossible. Universal Heathcare is impossible now so if his plan/agenda is going up in smoke one would think he would fight and take a stand right away but he did not. He choose to run ads saying Sen McCain was out of touch but who would rather lose an election and save America and who would rather lose an election than lose a War and who has actually fought for his Country as a PROUD American.

I state all this because I am not a Republican and I am a Democrat but we are all Americans and we all have different opinions but I am disgusted with both parties. I am voting for McCain for one reason I know what he stands for and that is America. I truely hope the FBI rounds up the entire lot of them - CEO's, Congess, Senate and they can all sit in Federal Prison. I wonder why this took so long since Fannie & Freddie have been on the take for years. As you can see below the candidate of hope & change really knows how to grab that money in 2 years and we have to pay for this now.

LEH #1 Contributions - Sen Clinton #2 Sen Obama:mad:

Fannie #1 Contributions Sen. Dodd #2 Sen Obama:mad:
You must be looking for a roll over today - buying ProShares Ultra Short S&P 500. I bet we close up over 400 points - how much will that hurt?
You must be looking for a roll over today - buying ProShares Ultra Short S&P 500. I bet we close up over 400 points - how much will that hurt?

That would hurt a lot. I'm already up on this trade but still down for the day. I'll continue to keep a short leash on it and move my stops.