12%ayear's Account Talk

He stores White Castles in the pouch under his chin, like a pelican.
Ah, the adrenalin rush of fast markets - smells like capitulation and the intraday bottom being placed. The internals of the 9 month low will start firming before price comes of the lows. I only wish I had an extra $200,000 in cash that I could spend right now - but I've made my bed and will remain in it.

That free heat thing is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. It makes me question the intelligence of some people. Don't they realize that once the sunlight has entered the house so has the radiant heat. That is why when you step on the floor where the sun is shinning it feels nice and warm in the winter.

I saw one similar to this once that was for "free" a/c. They buried pipes in the ground and then forced air through them that recirculated to the house. A quick thermal analysis shows this won't work not to mention the additional humidity you would be sending into the house.

Agree with you on the heat entering the house - once sunlight enters a house, it is absorbed by materials in the house and is re-radiated in the infrared spectrum. Since window glass is opaque to infrared energy, the energy is effectively "trapped" in the house. This is how greenhouses work.

With regard to burying pipes in the ground, this actually works quite well if you bury your ac/heat pump pipes in a brine tank several feet down. Because of the relatively constant temperature of the earth several feet below the surface, it serves as both a good evaporator heat source and condensor heat sink. Hence, a system can be designed to operate quite efficiently in both ac and heat pump modes. That being said, I have never heard of running recirculating air pipes directly underground.

By the way, I was a thermodynamics/heat transfer engineer for 20 years before getting into project management about 5 years ago.

Have a nice Thanksgiving!:)

Yes, I am quite familiar with ground source heat pumps and you are right they work very well. I was referring to nothing more than pumping the air from inside your house to pipes buried in the ground and then back to your house.

I too am a mechanical engineer with 25 years experience.

Back to the more important things.......I sure like the sound that many people are thinking we are putting in the bottom. I am tired of this downward spiral.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving.
The bears will soon be getting nervous - the squeez will be next as we rally up. Geesus, I'd like to see a 300 point banger from programs. We got plenty of time to make it happen. Got to keep 12% content you know.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/19/AR2007111901636.html more bad news http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?articleid=38616&dcn=todays_most_popular .......http://www.fedsmith.com/articles/articles.showarticle.db.php?intArticleID=1428 The TSP organization is going to consider mailing a letter to the several thousand people who are frequent traders and urging them to refrain from frequent trading or face being restricted to requesting interfund transfers through the Postal Service until new, automated curbs take effect.
On the issue of the limit on trades...if I understand correctly, the limit to two trades per month will be for EVERYONE. The articles that I've seen on this seem to imply that it's just this mystical 3000 people who are affected. They imply that in their writing, while also barely mentioning, again, if I'm understanding correctly, that these limits apply to all 4 million of us. My point is, the implication is that these 3000 people are the cause of the change in policy, but I don't believe that's the case. The wording of the articles sends the wrong message, an untrue message, which is not at all uncommon in news reporting. People are writing about something they don't have substantial knowledge of, and that makes it easy to miss the whole point. This change is due to the fact that a very high percentage of people are moving money on a very regular basis. The issue of the 3000 people was probably used as an example by TSP officials in talking to the media, but they left the untrue perception that this was the primary cause. I can't imagine it's the case that TSP would make such a substantial change over the actions of 3000 in a system of 4 million people. There's no way they could win that argument. Again, what I'm saying is that this change is caused by people LIKE US, and multiple thousands of others, if not even a full million people, or whatever percentage of people it is that makes fairly regular changes, large or small. If I'm missing something, let me know.
On the issue of the limit on trades...if I understand correctly, the limit to two trades per month will be for EVERYONE. The articles that I've seen on this seem to imply that it's just this mystical 3000 people who are affected. They imply that in their writing, while also barely mentioning, again, if I'm understanding correctly, that these limits apply to all 4 million of us. My point is, the implication is that these 3000 people are the cause of the change in policy, but I don't believe that's the case. The wording of the articles sends the wrong message, an untrue message, which is not at all uncommon in news reporting. People are writing about something they don't have substantial knowledge of, and that makes it easy to miss the whole point. This change is due to the fact that a very high percentage of people are moving money on a very regular basis. The issue of the 3000 people was probably used as an example by TSP officials in talking to the media, but they left the untrue perception that this was the primary cause. I can't imagine it's the case that TSP would make such a substantial change over the actions of 3000 in a system of 4 million people. There's no way they could win that argument. Again, what I'm saying is that this change is caused by people LIKE US, and multiple thousands of others, if not even a full million people, or whatever percentage of people it is that makes fairly regular changes, large or small. If I'm missing something, let me know.
They can say whatever they want. 3000 sounds like a very low number. However;it does not matter if its one person or 5 million. They are changing the rules.
On the issue of the limit on trades...if I understand correctly, the limit to two trades per month will be for EVERYONE. The articles that I've seen on this seem to imply that it's just this mystical 3000 people who are affected. They imply that in their writing, while also barely mentioning, again, if I'm understanding correctly, that these limits apply to all 4 million of us. My point is, the implication is that these 3000 people are the cause of the change in policy, but I don't believe that's the case. The wording of the articles sends the wrong message, an untrue message, which is not at all uncommon in news reporting. People are writing about something they don't have substantial knowledge of, and that makes it easy to miss the whole point. This change is due to the fact that a very high percentage of people are moving money on a very regular basis. The issue of the 3000 people was probably used as an example by TSP officials in talking to the media, but they left the untrue perception that this was the primary cause. I can't imagine it's the case that TSP would make such a substantial change over the actions of 3000 in a system of 4 million people. There's no way they could win that argument. Again, what I'm saying is that this change is caused by people LIKE US, and multiple thousands of others, if not even a full million people, or whatever percentage of people it is that makes fairly regular changes, large or small. If I'm missing something, let me know.

Yes, this is for everyone of us with the limits on trades per month.

The first thing that got me with all this was the 3000 figure, which is low compared to the total. They seem to be saying it is this figure that is increasing the cost of things in regards to trading the I Fund.