Zebra's Story

Mr Z thought that too, and it took him 8.5 months. My career is as simple as well, but I have already braced HQ (the Mrs.) to be ready for the worst. I beleive the Retirement Tsunami they thought would ever come has started. Mr Z was a bit ahead of that to some degree. I will consider myself lucky if it's ONLY 8.5 months.

100 Days!

Hoping it doesn't take 8.5 months, but not kidding myself either and expecting a turn around in 1 or 2 months. Let's hope it gets better and not worse.:rolleyes:
Hoping it doesn't take 8.5 months, but not kidding myself either and expecting a turn around in 1 or 2 months. Let's hope it gets better and not worse.:rolleyes:

I feel that this is the year of the retiree. I think your time frame of 100 days will put you smack dab in the middle of retiree central. Things to worry about.

1. 4000 FAA employee's being let go, some may have an option to retire.
2. Postal employees being encuraged to retire and trying to lock in their bennifits before changes.
3. Pay freeze till 2015 so no increase in retirement.
4. Chance of going to high 5 in January.
5. Chance of droping cola in January.

6. And this is the kicker. Chance of goverment shutdown and do you think OPM will be concidered critical?

You might want to concider beating the rush or saving funds for one year or more of wating.:( JMHO and I could be wrong. This is my guess.:worried:

Good luck
Hmm, last 100 days, what did I do.

!. Dropped my TSP contributions from 20% to 5% just to get matching.
2. Took every cent gained by this and all overtime pay to pay off as many loans I could.
3. Started getting use to the retirement pay by puting 20% in the wait fund which cam in handy the 6 and 7th month.
4. Creat no new loans.

It took 7 1/2 for me and I was ready for the long wait. Aiso I retired in February and got my settlement just before the next peak retirement time. I waited for my anual bonus, anual leave sale, and lump sum to be on the year of lower income for tax purposes which was good because It would of jumped me up from 15% to 24%. I got a good tax return the following year because they take out 20% for tax on all three think it would bump me into the higher bracket om maybe 20% is standard.

Good luck to you.:D
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I feel that this is the year of the retiree. I think your time frame of 100 days will put you smack dab in the middle of retiree central. Things to worry about.

1. 4000 FAA employee's being let go, some may have an option to retire.
2. Postal employees being encuraged to retire and trying to lock in their bennifits before changes.
Can't control how many retire. Just have to go with the flow.
3. Pay freeze till 2015 so no increase in retirement.
Just makes it easier to calculate my retirement.
4. Chance of going to high 5 in January.
CSRS. From what I have seen the high 5 looks like it will effect FERS, unfortunately.
5. Chance of droping cola in January.
I do not look at that as a deal breaker. Might have an affect a year or so after retirement.

6. And this is the kicker. Chance of goverment shutdown and do you think OPM will be concidered critical?
I would hope OPM would be considered critical, but that is up to our inept leaders.

You might want to concider beating the rush or saving funds for one year or more of wating.:( JMHO and I could be wrong. This is my guess.:worried:
By September 2012 I will be maxed at 41 years 11 months. So if I retire in June and add sick leave it puts me just over 42 years goverment service. I could go anywhere between now and June, but if I wait until June it adds $200 more a month to my retirement check. The only way I would retire after June is if a buyout is offered.

Good luck

Good luck is always appreciated. :)
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Hey guys, once OPM gets their act together, those monthly pay checks come in on time; just like the military retire pay and social security. Life is good and retirement is awesome! My wife keeps saying to me, "honey it is real neat that you don't have to go to work and all this money is still coming in"! Life is good in retirement.
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Hey guys, once OPM gets their act together, those monthly pay checks come in on time; just like the military retire pay and social security. Life is good and retirement is awesome! My wife keeps saying to me, "honey it is real neat that you don't have to go to work and all this money is still coming in"! Life is good in retirement.

June 1, 2012. Counting it down.
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Hey guys, once OPM gets their act together, those monthly pay checks come in on time; just like the military retire pay and social security. Life is good and retirement is awesome! My wife keeps saying to me, "honey it is real neat that you don't have to go to work and all this money is still coming in"! Life is good in retirement.

Congratulations! That was a long wait for OPM to get all their calcs done!
Here in Hawaii, we are anticipating a very large retirement exodus by the end of 2012...I guess to beat out the Mayan end of the world :D ! Seriously, in addition to the things mentioned a couple of replies earlier, we are in our third and final year of Locality Pay transition so there are people who waited, and people who are moving up their retirements. So there has been a lot of concern over the estimated 6-8 month delay by OPM to get to the final check amts. Your thread shows how important it is to plan ahead for that delay.
Thanks for keeping us up on your progress.....and ENJOY!! :cool:
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Well, here I sit... I was eligible to retire 6 months ago. What I need to do is sell my house and move to my retirement land. Problem is, with the economy down the toilet, no one is buying homes here. I feel stuck at the moment. Winter is coming on which means I might as well take it off the market until spring as I'm just wasting time and it'll look fresh come March. The other homes around here that have been on the market for over a year all ready and no one is even looking at them anymore.
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Where do you live and where is your retirement area? I retired in Hawaii 30 years ago from the USAF and loved it but moved to Alaska. When my granddaughter graduates from high school here in eight years the wife and I plan to move back. I would love to repurchase the town house I sold there.

Well, here I sit... I was eligible to retire 6 month ago. What I need to do is sell my house and move to my retirement land. Problem is, with the economy down the toilet, no one is buying homes here. I feel stuck at the moment. Winter is coming on which means I might as well take it off the market until spring as I'm just wasting time and it'll look fresh come March. The other homes around here that have been on the market for over a year all ready and no one is even looking at them anymore.
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

You never know when a house will sell or not, but I do know this - it will never sell until you list it. Personally I thought the same thing last year and boom........it sold in two months; it actually caught us off guard a bit....went faster than we had expected. Anyway Good luck with your upcoming retirement; retirment is awesome!
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

Yes Zebra retirement is tough, this morning I noticed there is no more getting up early in the cold weather and scraping the frost off of the car windows.:D:laugh: jmanjmp.gif
Re: Zebra's Story - It is Finished!

I can't believe I am approaching one year since I retired from Civil Service! Where has the time flown to? Best decision I have ever made and my wife thinks it is great too! Retirement is so good; especially after OPM gets their act together and starts paying you correctly. Have I ever told you I think OPM sucks canal water?

Key to retirment is good planning and preparation! Max out that TSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, had to scrape off the frost this morning. Looking forward to June 1st. Zebra welcome back. Maybe this extended pay freeze will let OPM to get the calculations done faster. Yeah right. :nuts:
Ditto, heavy frost here in north Alabama this morning as well, we had a bit of snow first part of the week and below freezing temps;.........winter is here!