I feel that this is the year of the retiree. I think your time frame of 100 days will put you smack dab in the middle of retiree central. Things to worry about.
1. 4000 FAA employee's being let go, some may have an option to retire.
2. Postal employees being encuraged to retire and trying to lock in their bennifits before changes.
Can't control how many retire. Just have to go with the flow.
3. Pay freeze till 2015 so no increase in retirement.
Just makes it easier to calculate my retirement.
4. Chance of going to high 5 in January.
CSRS. From what I have seen the high 5 looks like it will effect FERS, unfortunately.
5. Chance of droping cola in January.
I do not look at that as a deal breaker. Might have an affect a year or so after retirement.
6. And this is the kicker. Chance of goverment shutdown and do you think OPM will be concidered critical?
I would hope OPM would be considered critical, but that is up to our inept leaders.
You might want to concider beating the rush or saving funds for one year or more of wating.
JMHO and I could be wrong. This is my guess.:worried:
By September 2012 I will be maxed at 41 years 11 months. So if I retire in June and add sick leave it puts me just over 42 years goverment service. I could go anywhere between now and June, but if I wait until June it adds $200 more a month to my retirement check. The only way I would retire after June is if a buyout is offered.
Good luck