Just in case any of you were wondering what the latest volatility has done to the differences from SMA's, here is the table. It was prepared using prices from Thursday night each week, and in this market, one day one way or the other can make a huge difference!
I have two services that are both on a buy and fundamentals say we should be going down today so I'm going in. I'm currently 100% G, but by COB today I'll be at an allocation that works out (after you parse out the 1% L fund allocations) to 52% G, 21% F, 22% C, 1% S and 4% I.
And now the drum roll, please. :cheesy:
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,G Fund,,,F Fund,,,C Fund,,,S Fund,,,,,I Fund
10 day SMA: ,,,+0.0%,,,,0.6%,,,,,-2.4%,,,,,,-3.1%,,,-2.7%
20 day SMA: ,,,+0.1%,,,,1.6%,,,,,-0.4%,,,,,,-1.1%,,,,-1.7%
50 day SMA: ,,,+0.3%,,,,2.4%,,,,,-7.1%,,,,,-11.0%,,,,-9.2%
100 day SMA: ,+0.6%,,,1.7%,,,,-22.0%,,,,-28.6%,,,-26.1%
200 day SMA: ,+1.4%,,,1.5%,,,,-29.8%,,,,-36.0%,,,-37.1%
The above numbers are the differences between the current share price and its simple moving
averages (SMAs) for each fund, based on Thrift Fund share prices and simplified by being
recorded only once a week. Because I'm trying to look at trends I've highlighted any changes
< or > 0.5%. Follow the column down in order to see how a TSP Fund is trending long-term.