I will have to try that out this weekend. Hoping for a nice rebound for us all Monday. Looks like losses weren't to bad today as they could have been.
So I downloaded the TSPTalk Returns Calculator, saved it to my hard drive and renamed it Monthly Returns Calculator. Then in the box right below the "End Date" header, I changed that box to read Last month. I then entered the prices from the TSP website as of 30 Apr 2015. This was my starting prices.
From May 1st through May 22nd I was 100% S Fund, so I entered that information and the closing price from the TSP website as of COB May 22nd as my first transaction. This netted me a gain of+2.53%.
From May 26th through May 27th I submitted my first IFT for May transferring 100% to the G Fund, entered the information and netted a gain of 0.03% which raised my total gain for May to + 2.56%.
From May 28th to the end of the month, I submitted my second IFT for May transferring 50% to the S Fund and 50% to the I Fund. I then entered the information and netted a loss of -0.75%
So my total for the month of May was +1.80%. Not as good as if I would have left it in the G Fund, but not to shabby.
With that said, I begin June invested 50% in the S Fund and 50% in the I Fund and my starting prices will be what is posted at the TSP website on the last day of May.
Hopefully you find this info helpful and good luck with your trades.