What's wrong with this picture?

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What is up with that?
Yeah...what the hell is wrong with Liberia?

Of course here it would be impractical..because it would be tough to call off football field postion in meters...Can you see them calling out plays on a 108.3 meter field?...I don't think so..
or they could remake the field into a 100 meter affair, of course the resulting increase in field space would translate into a decrease in available fan seating, ticket prices then go up to compensate for the lost revenue, not much room to manuever there.

View attachment 8286
or they could remake the field into a 100 meter affair, of course the resulting increase in field space would translate into a decrease in available fan seating, ticket prices then go up to compensate for the lost revenue, not much room to manuever there.
-so how much farther out would that require a hit to be a Homerun?
Oh - yeah, that would mean the outfielders would have a better chance of catching the ball instead of the fans (catching the ball)! :rolleyes:
...and no more getting their breath knocked oo them when they hit the wall trying to get the ball? :D
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Yeah but you broke the record during the metric era. Have to put an asterik next to that one:D:laugh::nuts:
Okay, wasn't going to come back tonight, but just checked home email, received this today from family friend, Korean War/Cold War Navy Seal (pre-seals)/CIA hero. We are all cat people in my family, but it's too good not to be shared anyway.

Maybe the caption should be "Pick on someone your own size?" :nuts: Or maybe "WAAAAKE UP!!! LOOK what you're doing! StOPPP"? Or "Here boy! Come!" :toung:

I don't know? I tried to copy and past from an email I received. It showed up when I pasted it while I was logged in..???
You probably copied the link to the file and it's not available. Right click the red "X" and view properties. What I do is Save Target/picture to my computer and load it from there, works every time.:D
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