What do you think, F fund's future?

The key element in this story is where did the money go? It's not in bonds, it's not in stocks... :D
FWIW, I find the actual news reporting on NPR to be fair and balanced, all things considered. Besides, where else can you keep up with things at Lake Wobegon?

There seems to be a lot of confusion here and at the beltway about actual news reports and opinion/editorial/entertainment shows on a given network.

F fund's future? I think it will continue to be an option within the TSP.
FWIW, I find the actual news reporting on NPR to be fair and balanced, all things considered. Besides, where else can you keep up with things at Lake Wobegon?

There seems to be a lot of confusion here and at the beltway about actual news reports and opinion/editorial/entertainment shows on a given network.

F fund's future? I think it will continue to be an option within the TSP.
I was joking about NPR....Anyway, Are you saying the article is an opinion piece? I thought it was a fact filled article.....

FWIW...I believe the F Fund will always be around.......:cool:
Good info's been being posted in the "F-Fund dividends today" thread, most recent - and I don't like/desire changing from an active thread, but I thought it may be good to perhaps change subject somewhat, to this semi-recent thread.

I thought it might be great to address what will be the ongoing debt & debt debate situation - and how that may affect F-Fund's returns.
Hoping to begin looking forward on our F-Fund future - especially its returns...

Posted in Show-me's Acct Talk, today:
Well it seems that our F-fund is still acting "normal" - so that answers that question, for now. According to Tom's commentary, yesterday it was up 0.17% - which is pretty good for a day's F-fund returns.
Right now my feeling is it may be "toppy," but I also noted that today it is flirting with a long-term support-resistance line (160 MA). Going to wait and see what happens with that...
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As interest rates begin to climb, and when the Fed starts to increase as well, will this not affect the F fund in a negative way? It seems that as interest rates go up, the F fund suffers...
Is today's F chart for real? What happened between 1230 and 1430 that made it spike like that?

And why did it have negligible effect on the equity markets?

Ben's last spanke?

omg you mean the chamber is empty and now we got to resort to pistol whipping folks?
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Is today's F chart for real? What happened between 1230 and 1430 that made it spike like that?
And why did it have negligible effect on the equity markets?
Ben's last spanke?
omg you mean the chamber is empty and now we got to resort to pistol whipping folks?

Burro and All, Just my 2 cents (its my best understanding - and by no means am I qualified to be the "guru" here! - Need thoses folks to please jump-in, and post here!).

Anyway, by my understanding this day doesn't make sense, and seems something seems very wrong. It may just be many folks thinking that its better to be in Bonds today - maybe just weekend jitters, Or may be be just the beginning of what?? In any case, the AGG/F-Fund did NOT do the opposite of equities, it went up with the equities - not what is supposed/expected for it to do! :suspicious:

As interest rates begin to climb, and when the Fed starts to increase as well, will this not affect the F fund in a negative way? It seems that as interest rates go up, the F fund suffers...

By my understanding, in your scenario, it should have a positive effect on the price we should get. (This is a major reason I'm wanting real F-Fund "gurus" to weigh-in).
As interest rates begin to climb, whether by market or artificial Fed tightening - my understanding is that the AGG and our F-Fund price should go higher - likewise equities would be "hurt/pullback.
(Remember that as Bond rates go up, yields go down, and visa-versa - "normally", so I'd expect your question to have a positive effect on AGG and our F-Fund. (Did the Fed tighten today behind the scenes?) :blink:
The asking/selling price of our 'F Fund' mutual fund will decrease as interest rates rise.
The market is betting on higher interest rates.
That is a good bet.

And, intererest rates will continue to rise for some time.

Not a good time for 'stable' investors in the 'F Fund'.
Wow, Thanks Bogie!
I suppose I stand corrected re: rates and Fund price. (no wonder I almost always avoid the "F.)" :embarrest:

Any thought on this part?
Today "the AGG/F-Fund did NOT do the opposite of equities, it went up with the equities - not what is supposed/expected for it to do! :suspicious:
Maybe related to the CPI number this morning?

PS. I would like to keep this running to get understanding as to how our debt debacle will affect our T-Bonds/AGG.
Could be that our current deficit ceiling hasn't been increased, thus reducing trust of bond holders?

Interesting... Since we would have CHOOSE to default if our spending limit isn't increased I am not buying that this is the cause... No sane Treasure Secretary would CHOOSE to default on our debt and we bring in enough tax revenues to cover our interest payments. This isn't new, so I am sure the bond holders can see through the media hype.

Any other ideas?

Oh, and I was more interested in why it is down today, not in general. I would have thought it would have been up. But after looking at the numbers, I guess it is basically even for the day.
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So why is F down so much? Is this in response to the dividend?
The AGG is down in price because it paid a dividend. The F fund may or may not be down today, but it won't be down because of the dividend. It will reflect the price as if a dividend was not paid (or reinvested). The dividend gets paid every month but we're kind of oblivious to it since it does not affect the F-fund.
The AGG is down in price because it paid a dividend. The F fund may or may not be down today, but it won't be down because of the dividend. It will reflect the price as if a dividend was not paid (or reinvested). The dividend gets paid every month but we're kind of oblivious to it since it does not affect the F-fund.

So does that mean AGG is not a great indicator of the F fund? I'm not super worried or anything, just curious.

2-5-and-10 year treasury note yields climed higher today resting on the bottom bollinger bands of each chart
When intrest rates rise F-fund falls.
When intrest rates fall F-fund rises.
I believe the F-fund is exposed to a credit defalt risk stemming from the governments inability to raise the debt limit.