Weekly Account Tally Talk

Congrats, Tech.....looks like the Monkey Bar is paying off!

Maybe you can lead me to 30%? I did the calc's at TSP.gov, and with 30% a year for the next 7 years, I can retire in grand style and also leave huge trusts to my two beautiful daughters.

I am amazed by you and others here. You know there's some young upstarts that are going to be nipping at your heels soon! LOL!

I see Trader Fred is in 137th place. Heck, if I were in the Tally even I would be doing better than that (albeit not by too much). Fred is going to have to make a move here pretty. From where I am sitting, his "system" is looking about as reliable as Tom's, EbbnFlow's, Mlk's, mine, or anybody elses
Its a long term thing. It wouldn't be fair to judge anyone on a few weeks.

I see Trader Fred is in 137th place. Heck, if I were in the Tally even I would be doing better than that (albeit not by too much). Fred is going to have to make a move here pretty. From where I am sitting, his "system" is looking about as reliable as Tom's, EbbnFlow's, Mlk's, mine, or anybody elses
Wheels, I'm with FundSurfer on this one. I'm pretty sure Trader Fred still feels confident about his system. Same here, and even though my horse stumbled out of the gate early this year, I won't be satisfied with less than a +30% return. I can remember a couple years back when people here would be patting each other on the back for getting a 10% return. I don't think that would fly anymore at this stage. Last year's old and new TSPTalkers have raised the bar for good. Onward and forward, TSPTalkers! :)
I see Trader Fred is in 137th place. Heck, if I were in the Tally even I would be doing better than that (albeit not by too much). Fred is going to have to make a move here pretty. From where I am sitting, his "system" is looking about as reliable as Tom's, EbbnFlow's, Mlk's, mine, or anybody elses
Yup. It dropped from #22 to #137 since that last buy and sell signal. I'm glad this is a marathon and not a sprint.

On a positive note, the TSP Talk Longer Term Inactive account is 9th (+4.75%) this year after finishing 11th (+19%) last year.
Wheels, I'm with FundSurfer on this one. I'm pretty sure Trader Fred still feels confident about his system. Same here, and even though my horse stumbled out of the gate early this year, I won't be satisfied with less than a +30% return. I can remember a couple years back when people here would be patting each other on the back for getting a 10% return. I don't think that would fly anymore at this stage. Last year's old and new TSPTalkers have raised the bar for good. Onward and forward, TSPTalkers! :)

30%!!?? ...you do that and you buy the champagne :)
Yeah, it's wayyyy too early in the game to begin judging anyone's return or system. I'd say that should come on Jan 1st for the previous year!;)

This past week was a prime example of how folks can quickly climb or fall on the tally. Next week will once again shake things up.

I'm very comfortable with my return because it's the best I've been at this early in the year.

Previous years:

2006: +1.99% on 16 Feb

2005: -.10% 0n 14 Feb

No tracker for 2004 or earlier although I could probably back-date some. I began the TSP when it became available to the military. But, I did not begin to actively trade until I found TSP Talk in Jun of 2004.

God Bless:)
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I stand by my system just the way Trader Fred does his - and when he does a rolling flip flop back to the buy signal - I'll still be standing stationary with my system. I do hope I can get some dynamism this year.
Congrats, Tech.....looks like the Monkey Bar is paying off!

Maybe you can lead me to 30%? I did the calc's at TSP.gov, and with 30% a year for the next 7 years, I can retire in grand style and also leave huge trusts to my two beautiful daughters.

I am amazed by you and others here. You know there's some young upstarts that are going to be nipping at your heels soon! LOL!


You just keep watchin thisaway girl......I'm not worried about the young guns....they are really gonna have to put it out to do better than this old boy....;)
Wiz, PM, and Ocean

I checked out 2006 Tally, and noted ya'll had fabulous returns for partial year.....do you know what your full year return was?

Rebuttal time. I wasn't going to because I feel like it just goes in one ear out the other all the time, but I figure since Mr. Wheels is attacking my system, I figured I would post actual facts, not crystal ball hocus pocus.

My YTD to return for 2005 was 11.62%. BTW, all this can be checked on the past tally charts. This was not a full year return but about a 6-month return because of a little "vacation" time out I received. I also had the highest 4th quarter return that year. My last 6-month return was in the top ten. The L2040 returned 7.91% that year.

My YTD return for 2006 was 13.03%. Again, my tracker was reset around mid to late July because of my challenge with Techy. My 4th quarter return for that year was in the top 10 and my 6-month return would of been also if I had been tracked long enough. Techy stop posting on 11\02\06. As of the end of Oct his return was 5.96% and mine was 6.56%. This was for a little over 3-months. Over the next two months I gained 6.47%.

This year my current return is .71%. This includes a disasterous one day of greed in the I fund when it lost 2.01% on that particular day. My system told me to get out the day before and I even posted this: http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/showpost.php?p=70676&postcount=2237

Not factoring in that day, my return would be 2.72% and this includes two missed opportunities because of divergent data. I have since added another indicator and believe this will help moving forward if it happens again.

So anyway, if spending most of 2005 and 2006 in the top ten represents a failed system, then that's what I have. Just follow techy and you'll be fine.

BTW, I hope you didn't follow him today..........................

Tom, I honestly don't know how you do it. This is obviously a "what have you done for me lately" type board...........:rolleyes:
since Mr. Wheels is attacking my system, I figured I would post actual facts,

First of all I don't see where I was "attacking your system". The point I was trying to make is that no-one here has a system that has consistently rocked. By rocked, I mean has beaten or come close to beating not just the C fund but all the funds. By consistently I mean two years or more (preferably more). Even your claims don't really measure up. All 3 stock funds beat you last year and you beat only the C the year before that.

I don't have a system. I watch the fundamentals. I mix in a small amount of technical analysis. And I let those drive my intuition (I try to keep emotion out of it but it is not always possible). From 2003 until September of last year it served me very well. I beat the C in every year since 2003. However 2003, was the only one of those years that I beat all the funds. Since September of last year, I am getting my butt kicked. The S and I are up over 12 and 14% during that time. Even the lowly C is up over 10%. I am up about 5% during that time. That means in 5 months I've left over $50,000 on the table.

Every time somebody mentions that they have a system, I try to be very open minded. I hate leaving that money on the table. I would love nothing more than for someone on here to come up with one that consistently beats a majority of the funds. Trader Fred was the most recent entry in the field. He is failing miserably as far as I can tell. Everybody chimed in and said give it time, it's a marathon, not a sprint. I've given it all the time I can afford.

P.S. And no, I won't following Techy either.
You basically said it wasn't reliable, I said it is. Nuff said.

My returns were for 6-months, not the full year. The only fund to beat me during those times was my beloved I fund..................
By my calculations, as of tonight (2/22/07), I am up for the week by a whopping .1%.

Yes, 1/10 of a percent.

That should push me down a ways on the upcoming tally as of close tomorrow! Teach me to think!
