vBulletin 3.6!

New Feature

The much-requested multi-quote feature allows users to tag multiple posts that they wish to respond to by clicking a small button on each post. Once the user clicks the reply button, each tagged post is quoted.

To increase usability, by default, only posts within the current thread are automatically quoted. If you wish to quote posts in other threads with multi-quote, you simply need to click a link on the reply page, and the text of those posts will be added without a reload.

The Multi quote feature can be found on the bottom right. It looks like a page with quotes in it!
New Feature

Mark Forums Read with AJAX
If you wish to mark a forum read, you can simply click its status icon on the index page and the change will be processed without a reload. You can even mark individual sub-forums as read in the same way.

TSP Forun, top Left, it looks like a bulletin board!

[Moderators: If you are in the threads in forum, clicking on the envelope will lock the thread!]
New Feature

Quote Tags Link to Quoted Post
When quoting a post, the ID of the post is automatically included with the
tag. When the quoted text is viewed in a thread, a small icon links back to the quoted post.

It's the little > inside the quote!
New Feature

Auto-Resize Oversized Image Attachments
If a user attaches an image that has dimensions larger than the administrator allows, the image will automatically resized to fit. This is similar to the auto-resizing of avatars that vBulletin 3.5 performed.

Haven't tried this one! Grandma will love it!................:D
New Feature

Pop Up List of Attachments in a Thread
The paperclip icon that denotes whether a thread contains attachments is now clickable. It will pop up a window that shows a list of all the attachments in the specified thread, including file size and number of views.
New Feature

Private Messages: Quota Warning
Once you have reached 90% of your private message quota, you will receive a warning telling you that you have almost reached your quota.
New Features

System Improvements
A lot of improvements deal with the elimination of page reloads, making the system run smoother!
New Feature

Full BCC Support in Private Messages
A number of you have discovered this by now. Like in an email, BCC (blind carbon-copy) allows you to hide the full list of recipients from each recipient. In previous versions of vBulletin, the “to” field acted like a BCC field. Now, the “to” field acts like the field in an email; each recipient will see all the names in the “to” field.

In private message window, click on BCC!

Announcements Shown when Viewing New Posts
In previous versions of vBulletin, announcements were only shown when a user viewed a list of threads in a forum. As some users only viewed new posts by clicking the “New Posts” link (ie, getnew), they never saw the announcements. vBulletin 3.6 displays those announcements at the top of the results.

That's about the biggest improvements I could find for the users. There was a lot of small stuff, and stuff that pertains to the administrator. vBulletin said that they would have addendum updates as needed.
New Feature

Infraction System
Uh_Oh! Tom needs to explain this one!
"The User Infraction system is designed to automate the management of misbehaving users."

I don't know how much we'll need to use this as our board is relatively small and we have relativey few problems. We've had to deal with some conflicts but if you've ever been to other message boards, you'll see we are a pretty tame group - and I appreciate that.

As the board grows we may get more active in automating the disciplinary action, but until then, we'll just play with it and try figure out the best way to utilize it.


P.S. Thanks for the breakdown of the new features Spaf!
New Feature

Auto-Resize Oversized Image Attachments
If a user attaches an image that has dimensions larger than the administrator allows, the image will automatically resized to fit. This is similar to the auto-resizing of avatars that vBulletin 3.5 performed.

Haven't tried this one! Grandma will love it!................:D

Golly - this, just for Me ???

are you
sure it works???