userque's Account talk

Rat-powered Hedge Funds? A Frightening Concept -Alpha Architect

"A professor buddy sent a link to an outstanding article that mentions a study where researchers study the performance of a rat’s ability to learn how to “beat the market:”

"Marcovici says the rats “outperformed some of the world’s leading human fund managers.” The rats were trained to press a red or green button to give buy or sell signals, after listening to ticker tape movements represented as sounds. If they called the market right they were fed, if they called it wrong they got a small electric shock. Male and female rats performed equally well. The second generation of rattraders, cross-bred from the best performers in the first generation, appeared to have even better performance, although this is a preliminary result, according to the text. Marcovici’s plan, he writes, is to breed enough of them to set up a hedge fund."


Dow Theory Myth
Dow Theory Myth | Price Action Lab Blog

"Hello, this is 2017, as far as I can tell although at times it’s difficult to follow the arrow of time when reading social media posts about the markets. Some people still rely on stock market theories developed in the start of last the century. There is no credibility to gain from any appeals to experts of the last century.

Machine Learning Rediscovered
Machine Learning Rediscovered | Price Action Lab Blog

"Attempting to discover trading algos via machine learning is a dangerous practice because of the problem of multiple comparisons. Although some have recently rediscovered machine leaning applications for algo development, they usually avoid discussing the problems or fail to provide a way of dealing with data mining bias.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Patience is power.
Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing"
it waits on the right time to act,
for the right principles
and in the right way.”

― Fulton J. Sheen
I love those kinds of documentaries. I looked for it on Netflix and Amazon, but nothing. Is it showing anywhere?
In A Nutshell: Why Trading is Hard
In A Nutshell: Why Trading is Hard | Price Action Lab Blog

"Why trading is hard and why mean-reversion has outperformed the golden cross signal in SPY in the last year and a half.

There are many styles of trading with varying degree of sophistication but most retail traders and even some funds employ directional strategies that attempt to time continuation or reversal. These strategies are often classified as momentum and mean-reversion, respectively.

Infamous Hacker 'Weev' Went On CNBC To Explain The Fascinating Hedge Fund He's About To Launch
Andrew Weev Auernheimer Hedge Fund - Business Insider

"Well-known hacker Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer, who released thousands of iPad users' email addresses to point out a flaw in AT&T's servers, is starting a hedge fund.

His fund will be called "TRO LLC" (clever) and the primary strategy will be to short companies.

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."
- Plato