userque's Account talk

I have had nugt and dust on my radar just watching and learning and noticed big swings on both. Is there a time limit to cash out? Seems like if you hold long enough you can make some good money. I know it's not that easy. Just a rookie asking questions. Dust is a lot cheaper but has as big a percentage gain per day as nugt. I would think dust would be the better play with less invested. Thanks folks

Hey Guchi,

NUGT is a 3x ETF. DUST in an inverse 3x ETF. They both track GDX and generally, in the shorter term, move 3 times the percentage of GDX.

If GDX is up 3%, NUGT will be up 9%, and DUST will be down 9%, approx. The absolute price values 'don't' matter as much. It's about the percentages. Actually, NUGT/DUST just split today.

See also: The Top Gold Mining ETFs (GDX, NUGT) | Investopedia

I can't say when to 'cash out.' I leave the trading decisions to my algo:
Thanks Q. Again I'm still learning but Dust is showing a 367% jump so far today is that right?

Anytime GUCHI. No, that's not correct. Whoever is providing you that quote, hasn't yet updated for the stock split. DUST is actually down about 6% right now. Maybe try 'refreshing' your quote provider?
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