QE2 appears to be already built in to expectations for a bull market. What happens if it doesn't happen or happens on a much smaller scale than anticipated? Deflation not inflation? Hmmm. Could be ugly. Bubble could be a very accurate descriptor.
We are in a serious bout of deflation. Bernanke is simply buying time by trying to inflate to 0. I have confidence in him and his team - not so much with our nations 'Black Swan Event' president.
The Administration should have saved their 'stimulus' for right about now. They should have waited to see if QE1 revived things and, if not, initiated a bout of stimulus spending (if you believe in Keynesian economics - but even that is problematic. Where was the Keynesian saving when things were good

). Then, if QE1 and Porkulus didn't resolve deflation initiate QE2. Instead our nations elected economic 'Black Swan' took flight in the middle of QE1 (when we were starting to perk up) and initiate piece meal projects with no real bang for the buck.
Where are my power producing hydroelectric dams?
Where are my new freeways?
Where are my nukes?
The Libs thought we were in a short duration downturn. They thought we would be out of it by now. They thought that $3 Trillion in debt over two years would be forgiven in an environment of 4% unemployment and rising wages.
Oh contraire. The private sector is more worried about paying back that $3 Trillion in debt than grubbing a point more in sales from a debasing currency. We great unwashed masses - and the companies that employ us - are waiting with bated breath for the joy of 2011's first pay day!
A blast from the past illustrates the current market outlook - as well as the political outlook:
'Quintillius Varus, give me back my legions!', screamed Augustus Ceaser as he banged his head against the walls.