So here we have the CNBC/Bloomberg junkies attempting to change the tone of these markets, but the truth is folks want a long overdue pullback.
Healthcare is on the front burner again and if it passes folks seems to believe the markets will throw a temper tantrum. Just wait till they realize they are going to pay for this is part with billions from our social security. I can't wait for them to tell me if I smoke & drink they will drop me from the "economical" plan and put me on the "I'm gonna tax you out the azz plan."
The dollar refuses to break, and with inflation in check folks seem to believe the dollar is a better play than gold. IMHO it's a ruse. International banks are buying more and holding more gold than ever before. Not only that, but they aren't selling the gold they do have. Sound too me like they are waiting on the ripe EOTWAWKI (End of the world as we know it) opportunity.
The Euro can't get it up because of the focus (doesn't this ever get old?) on Greece. I say who cares about Greece, I'm more worried about Spain and Italy who can't seem to retrace more than 38.2% from the last down leg.
The VIX is way oversold here.
The NVI smart money indicators are a bit mixed across the indexes, but they are definitely slipping out the back door on small caps. But hey, the momentum indicators are overbought and prices eventually need to test the key moving averages.