TSPIntel's Account Talk

TSPIntel - I am sorry I missed the Birthday party - I hope it was your best ever...
-isn't 7 - 11 supposed to be good? - or something like that... :D
grandma: Never late to celebrate. I got some piña-coladas frozen with the best rum and grand manier to share with... :)
jpcavin: We most be patient. On Full Moon, the "W" most be formed otherwise it is very deceived. Down-up-down-up rally. The first down and first up is in place. I am waiting for the secon down to get into so I ride the second up (rally for the month) till around the New Moon. Remember this MPS (Moon Phase Strategy) IS NOT an exact science and it MUST NOT be taken out of context. :)

So the Full Moon is on July 14 11:39:36 PM PDT., and if the market goes down tomorrow (2nd) we wait until Fri. July 15 to jump in? (Geez, I'm getting desperate for a signal):suspicious:
So the Full Moon is on July 14 11:39:36 PM PDT., and if the market goes down tomorrow (2nd) we wait until Fri. July 15 to jump in? (Geez, I'm getting desperate for a signal):suspicious:

I think we're all desperate for ANY signal! But some rely on the G spot more than others! :laugh:
G spot = great shakes. You get twice the great shakes when you find G spot #2. I used to read Cosmopolitan when a younger man. These comments will undoubtedly send me to purgatory. Stay in the market, don't pull out yet.
G spot = great shakes. You get twice the great shakes when you find G spot #2. I used to read Cosmopolitan when a younger man. These comments will undoubtedly send me to purgatory. Stay in the market, don't pull out yet.

I understand that "pulling out" isn't a very reliable method. ;)
konakathy: I am not the best shot caller. At this time everyone is on their own depending their personal finances and risk level. TRADE THE MARKET IS NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. IT IS AN ART. The entry point very well could it be today. Some already did. However I did not do it. I am very conservative sometimes because I know what a minimum mistake may cost for me. I wait for the SENTIMENT SURVEY: BUY BUY BUY!!!! Tomorrow happens to be the Stock Options Expiration Day! Very Important Date for the market, it is usually flat day, not always. If tomorrow the market opens Bullish (High of course) and is High at the time to make a decision I probably do not move from the G-Fund yet. I probably wait till Monday Bearish (Low) or Bullish High to move into the S-Fund. If tomorrow the market is Flat or Low at time to make decision I will pull the trigger and move to the S-Fund. I will BUY. Hope I answer your concern. Please tell me your sentiment about the market. :)
You are absolutely correct. I will be on the S-Fund anytime. Maybe tomorrow NOT if it is Bullish YES if it is flat or low (2/3 chance) but I will be moving to the S-Fund for sure by Monday. However, today (kind of volatile) probably was the best day to enter. :)
I will not use the G-Spot anymore from now own. I will be use the F-Spot. Without a Doubt, It is more profitable than G. Perhaps, I would not go to hell but to pulgatory. I WILL Be on the market 2/3 yes tomorrow but for sure by Monday. :)
I understand that "pulling out" isn't a very reliable method. ;)
Sensei: In my opinion... "pulling out" of the G-Fund tomorrow NOT later than Monday is the way to go. If you already in the S-Fund, "pulling out" to the G-Fund is a HUGE RISK that may cost a lot money to your TSP. ;)
FULL MOON IS IN PLACE!!!!!!! The "W" of WEALTH first down leg and first up leg have been formed. the second down leg was formed today or maybe still being developed. Is everyone on board???? or getting on board???? I may get on board tomorrow if flat or low, or for sure by Monday. Let's not miss the ride and enjoy the ride up!!! :)
FULL MOON IS IN PLACE!!!!!!! The "W" of WEALTH first down leg and first up leg have been formed. the second down leg was formed today or maybe still being developed. Is everyone on board???? or getting on board???? I may get on board tomorrow if flat or low, or for sure by Monday. Let's not miss the ride and enjoy the ride up!!! :)

how much up lol
Moon 07-15-2011.jpg
TSPIntel - Just for you. This was the view from my driveway about 30 minutes ago. I was out walking the dog.
(The lights on the peninsula are Navy MWR White Beach, for those of you who've been stationed over here.)
Sensei: Beatiful Full Moon. I am getting in Monday or I will miss the boat and will not be able to enjoy the up ride of July. :)
law87: I am glad you are enjoying and having lol, that what life is all about... Be happy and do not worry about it.... :)