TSPIntel's Account Talk

EVERYONE is invited under Community-Group to join The Moon Trading Strategies Group. Any research, study, exploration, findings, materials etc. is welcome. :)
Mista Magee: Thank you for noticing the timed move. Not only yesterday but each point of the "W" of WEALTH as well. Technical Analysis will tell you that TIMING is everything. Fundamental will say that everything is about EARNIGS. MPS (Moon Phase Strategy) will state that everything is about the moon. The truth is a combination of all of the above.:) By the way I notice you are looking for some words also... I am not familiar with Vanguard but I am with Charles Schwab. My 30M are with Schwab. My 12 rolling months return is 39.53%. Last year I invested only on EFA and this year only on IWM. I am a happy camper here on Earth. :)
Do you stay fully invested or do you buy-sell-buy in keeping with the new and full moon? Do you use the same strategy as with your TSP? By the way, is 30M 30 million?
Do you stay fully invested or do you buy-sell-buy in keeping with the new and full moon? Do you use the same strategy as with your TSP? By the way, is 30M 30 million?
The same as the TSP. Buy sell buy but NOT only with the new full moon. The new and full moon is only a reference points. The MPS moon phase strategy is NOT the only indicator. The Trend, the cycles, the seasonality, the random news, the Earnings, the Technical confimations, the Sentiment etc.... etc... I know the MPS moon phase strategy sounds over simplified and fun... and it is in a way, and it sometimes works like a clock BUT not always. The Ws formations etc... Timing is important. It have been times that I have been out of the market for months and other times that I have been invested for months. :)
RealMoneyIssues: How have you been? I am glad to hear from you again. I know 40% goes to uncle Sam. The reason is because it is incometax deffered as long as we keep it on the TSP or on an IRA account. Minimum Distribution Amount start at age 70-1/2.... and the penalty may be less than 40%; However, if you decided to take it out all at once, 40% goes to uncle Sam. Pay me now or pay me later. C'est la vie. :)
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RealMoneyIssues: How have you been?
Been busy. Trying to learn all this stuff AND actually get some work done. Well, I was on vacation last week...

Your posts have been most interesting, entertaining, and educational. I am playing with much less than you are, but as many have told me here; a 1% percent gain is a 1% gain, no matter what the $$ is... :D
RealMoneyIssues: You are correct 1% is 1% regardless the $$$$... I am glad you enjoying the post... after all fun comes from the inner not the $$$$... I am planning to exit around 29th of July and cash... This time I am thinking not to go to the G-Fund but to the F-Fund. What do you think? :)
RealMoneyIssues: You are correct 1% is 1% regardless the $$$$... I am glad you enjoying the post... after all fun comes from the inner not the $$$$... I am planning to exit around 29th of July and cash... This time I am thinking not to go to the G-Fund but to the F-Fund. What do you think? :)

I am already nervous about holding through this week-end, so next Friday is out of my comfort zone. I will have to see how the markets react to the last of the earnings and the jobs report before I decide.