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cowboy wrote:
It is really important to stick to the rule. A month later and a couple of thousands down the drain, I am still kicking myself for trying to outsmart the system looking for a bottom that was not there. On 3-15-05 when the signalwasto be G-100 I changed my mind and went G-30- C- 35 S-35. (see post on 3-14-05 and 3-15-05) Quite an expensive mistake. I have beenplaying catchup since then.
Good luck.
cowboy wrote:
The max allocation for each fund at any given time usingthe 5-5-10 isF=5, C=25, S=30,I=40. It is not a buy and hold system per se. It seemslike buy and hold when the market is in a defined trend (up or down).In a trending market you could findyourself making transactions almost on a daily basis until the trend is defined. The allocationcame about determining volatility, potentialrisks, rate ofreturns and diversification. Someonewith small account might not see the benefit in investingsuch small amount in the F-Fund. The bottom line is not risking everything in a particular fund at any given time.I got a question TSPGO? Do you use your system like a buy and hold and have so much that you stick in each account when your system says to? How do you determine how much to stick in each fund? Just like whiskey give it to me straight. My thought is if I believe in something I make a move and take it. 5% in the F fund doesn't seem like much of a commitment. When I got hitched I thought I was only commiting 5% of the time but then she told me otherwise.
It is really important to stick to the rule. A month later and a couple of thousands down the drain, I am still kicking myself for trying to outsmart the system looking for a bottom that was not there. On 3-15-05 when the signalwasto be G-100 I changed my mind and went G-30- C- 35 S-35. (see post on 3-14-05 and 3-15-05) Quite an expensive mistake. I have beenplaying catchup since then.
Good luck.