TSP Talk Mug Shots!


nice mug po, how's it holding up to your micrwovable frugality regimen? and how did you score a workstation with a dedicated phone? and why isn't it red? how are you supposed to invite batman over for coffee with that setup?

So far so good. They are pretty tough too. Been dropped a few times. When I first got it I didn't notice those helical groovy things around the top inside. I managed to snap it on and thought "nice tight fit". I had a real hard time popping it off at refill time. Close examination under bright light revealed the problem. The abuse didn't seem to hurt it.

No one ever accused me of being the sharpest bulb in the drawer.

Look closely and you will see two telephones. One of my duties is phone person. The phones are for technical research and quality control purposes only. The phones do not come in red and painting one would be defacing govt property which is frowned upon by some looking for reasons to streamline the organization.

Batman is too busy to ever venture outside the beltway.

ATCJeff - your recent mug shot at Atlanta is neat ...
-gold mug advertising gold to be found in managing TSP funds over here at TSPtalk..?
I've had a problem with my MUG leaking down on my Goatee part of my Van Dyke beard due to wear on the sealing rings of the top. I thought I could put an O-ring on it and fix the problem but didn't have the right size, so I tried rubber bands. Two 1/4" rubber bands fixed the problem and now I can drink with pleasure and do not have liquid running down my neck.
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(Yes, that is the exact original crossing on Abbey Road....- but my camera skills suck.)
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nice jim, i think those might be the first international mugshots! nasa took his on a cruise, but i don't recall any 'welcome to belize' photos.

do they have any 'world's largest ...' there? what about big ben, or maybe a 'welcome to london' sign?

that model mug was always my favorite. even though i never owned one like it, that was the design i based my practice mugs on.
nice jim, i think those might be the first international mugshots! nasa took his on a cruise, but i don't recall any 'welcome to belize' photos.

do they have any 'world's largest ...' there? what about big ben, or maybe a 'welcome to london' sign?

that model mug was always my favorite. even though i never owned one like it, that was the design i based my practice mugs on.
James is a World Traveler and has posted pictures of many of his travels.
ok, so tallying up the mugshots by category from memory i come up with:

interstate roadsigns: UT, ID, MT, ND, and MN. (of course the mugs have appeared in more photos in many more states, but not with corresponding roadsigns).

tsp zoo: cow, horse, donkey, buffalo, humans, fish, grasshoppers, geese, deer, pheasants, a finch or whatever grandma saw on the boardwalk in texas, and mike's stuffed bear. did i miss any? oh, and i think somebody had a cat in the background once too.

countries: zero with a mug and a sign, but US, UK, and Japan with at minimum a mug and a verifiable geographic feature.

what else we got? i'm still a little dissappointed we don't have more state signs, but i'm working on that part.
By request of Burro:

Big Ben:


Hey- my camera skills are not good- and the Iphone 4S viewer is hard to see in daylight.

sweet. i was a little dissapointed when wikipedia said big ben is not the largest clock in the world, but the third largest ferris wheel ain't bad (and still the tallest in the western hemisphere).

are you having much difficulty with the language barrier over there, or is it like most foriegn countries where a few hand gestures and money seem to get your point across just fine?

since you're taking requests, how about a shot with the new little royal? or maybe some of the night life in soho?