TSP Talk Mug Shots!

I'll have to check on that. The Media area is a 3rd party software and I'll have to see if they have made any upgrades.

Now, get off the phone and watch the road. :)
i'm having technical dificulties viewing the mugshots in the media area. i can see the thumbnails and first line of text but when i click the link or pic i get the screen where you can comment but the image area says my device does not support adobe flash player. i could see just phine on my old phone but apparently the new jelly bean android software dropped adobe because of something called html5 instead.

i think the 'slide view' feature where it rotates between multiple photos in a post is the adobe flash part. to see adobe flash on my phone i have to first install an old firefox browser and then download a nongoogle adobe app. and i don't want to do that because it might look to nsa and doj that i'm trying to hide something they can't already see with a blanket continuous google everybody search warrant and i don't need the extra attention.

is there a way to make your media area html5 compliant tom? and where is that techno genius rmi when i need him?

Sorry, can't help. I still have a stupid phone...

i'd like to introduce my family, of tsp talk mugs.

i call the shiny one pops since he's my oldest mug. he mostly just sits on the shelf along with other momentos of good times. still unsullied by the worldly liquid contaminents. i'd like to use it someday but have yet to find a latte worthy of the occassion.

the blue one's name is sue, after the world's largest holstien cow. she took quite a tumble onto the rocks in the wind that day hence the dents and dings. and she's my daily drinker so the logo is a bit faded. but she's going to be my dedicated car cup now, doesn't seem to mind getting tossed in the back and if i get pulled over blends in nicely with the bud light cans under the seat.

the newest one is microwave safe and fits the off white color scheme at the office so it's going to be my work mug. i haven't named it yet but i'm thinking maybe grunt or mushroom.
Lol! You need to move this to the PUI thread!

nebermind, it's Aloha Friday ... Pau Hana . I'll just move over there.
i think there are only a few hundred people in the world that have two good reasons to drive down this road. that's ok because for the rest of us one good reason to drive down this road is more than enough.

that stretch of road is a vortex, you can almost hear the air humming alive sometimes as you pass through. vwooomf. like a light saber, only more powerful.

so we're at the fish one and i say to my kid 'that's odd, who would ever think you would find all these fish out here with no water for miles?' and he says 'what are you talking about dad? it's a sea. a sea of grass.'


he's right of course, it just takes a certain eye to see. the wind blows it in waves far out to the horizon.


you'll never goose what i saw... the world's largest scrap metal sculpture.

no excuse now folks, this one is right off the interstate. if you can't spare 5 minutes out of your daily hustle and bustle then i got nothing for ya. and if you don't feel the magic pulling you south maybe your existensial ears are deaf and you should consider getting your button down no time for that nonsense i'm always in control head checked.

seriously folks, wherever you are, if you can't spare a couple of hours to just let life happen then we are all way worse off than i thought. take the time, go for a drive, talk to a stranger, make a new friend. some folks pour their heart and soul into it. it's a life's work.

recognize it when you see it.


the way i understand it, my phone is taking pictures in .jpg format, and i can see photos and videos just fine in regular threads. i can even see the thumbnails and part of text of posts next to each photo. but when i click on an image or the text then i get passed to the flash player which is not viewable on newer android devices.

i understand why the player is needed for music videos or a post that contains multiple pictures as the media package you are using auto rotates theough them every few seconds, but the player function is uneccessary for just a single picture, although it seems to be part of the territory for any media viewed in the media player portion of the website.

it's not an issue for my pictures so much, because i have them on my phone and can enjoy them in all their 3mb glory. but i'm not able to zoom/pan and fully appreciate the art others upload to the media area to give them the respect they truly deserve. but i can see them just fine when they post them anywhere else in a thread other than the media area.

does anybody else with an android running the jelly bean version of the operating system have this problem too? anyone? anyone?
nice shots grandma! i especially like the sign one and the fence rail was a neat touch. and i didn't have crane my neck so it looks like you got that part figured out.

and thanks for the feedback on the flash player issue, it looks like newer androids and apple products can't do the adobe thing without unlock/pirate modifications to os and software. i'm glad it wasn't just me.

what's a grandma doing with an ipad anyway? there's not even any real buttons on those things. you go girl.
you guys keep getting your rings the Yankee and Heat way...i will earn my championships the old fashioned way, through hard work...the principled way, the right way, you know who you are...Burro...
you guys keep getting your rings the Yankee and Heat way...i will earn my championships the old fashioned way, through hard work...the principled way, the right way, you know who you are...Burro...

yeah, that's a goal of mine too. i even keep entering these stupid golf tournaments and football pools, but i suck at golf and always pick the steelers so go figure. meanwhile, i'll keep enjoying both coffee and road trips with my muggies, it's a small price to pay.

do the disposable foam or paper cups still leave a bad taste in the mouth? i can't remember anymore.
there needs to be a study done on people's user names...ones that use CAPS and those who don't...would shed a light into our psyches...our chosen one can name a psyche czar who could oversee vital studies like these
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