TSP Talk Mug Shots!

Well, I don't really care, but doesn't it seem logical to link to the image if you are going to mention it here?

But from a phone? I can see that would be more of a hassle since I am still in smart phone training myself. :) (just got a android)
so, about the rocks - or - tips for budding photojournalists.

on the rocks

you may notice there are several new dings and dents and the logo on my coffee cup is partly scraped off. there was a bit of a breeze blowing and it kept knocking the mug over while i was trying to take the picture with my phone so i filled it with the last of my drinking water. but it blew over again and all the water leaked out. i thought about refilling it with recycled coffee but the scientific genius part of my brain reminded me that the pacific gravity of pee is about the same as water and it wouldn't work much better. besides i don't mind spilling water all over myself, but used coffee is a whole 'nother story. so i filled it with rocks instead. i hope nobody pee'd on them rocks.

if you have an android phone and want to resize the pic because a website tells you it has too many bits and bytes to upload, just select it from your gallery and hit the 'more' button then 'edit' then 'crop'. not only does this drastically reduce file size, but you can also edit out innocent bystanders who wouldn't sign the model release form. however, it won't stop them from looking at you funny.

if you want to add multiple photos to a post, after you upload the first one and get to the screen where it says 'what do you want to do next' pick the button that says 'add next part'. keep doing this until you've posted all the pictures you think are enough. then do it one more time just for fun.

be careful which part of the cow you get your coffee fixins from or your brew may taste like crap. the rock flavor, on the other hand, is an aquired taste. maybe my mug is still under warranty, i'll have to check the fine print. ah hell, who am i kidding, i never read that stuff.
i have a confession to make. i'm sorry sue. i just couldn't stop myself. i've never seen teats like that.

it's not that they were big (they were huge). they could've been full or perky or knee knockers or torpedoes or flat as a board, don't matter, it's all good.

when i saw them hanging out like that i just had to flick 'em. all four of 'em. so i did. thanks ma'am, i'll try to slow down and ask first next time.

knock knock. who's there? emerson. emerson who? emersome nice teats.

tole you i couldn't hep mysef.
So, just having taken a wandering tour along the Overland, Emigrant and Oregon Trails, and in honor of Sue the big freakin cow, thought I'd post a few scenic shots of the mug that kept me company going and coming, high ground and lowground both. Caution! Western History lies ahead! Just think how much faster those pioneers could have travelled if they'd only had their coffee in a fine looking mug like burro and Tom provided for the journey.:)
nice shots alevin, nothing beats a good old fashioned road trip for cheering the soul. that's some big country out there. out there where the only real manufacturing our nation does anymore, making beef and bread.powerful shot with the clouds on the mountain, could almost reach up and touch them. top of the world to ya.
So, just having taken a wandering tour along the Overland, Emigrant and Oregon Trails, and in honor of Sue the big freakin cow, thought I'd post a few scenic shots of the mug that kept me company going and coming, high ground and lowground both. Caution! Western History lies ahead! Just think how much faster those pioneers could have travelled if they'd only had their coffee in a fine looking mug like burro and Tom provided for the journey.:)

Aloha, girl!

Nice pictures of your road trip. Makes me yearn for the days when I would throw all the
camping gear in the back of my Honda civic, grab the map, close my eyes, and point to
my next destination.

I went white water rafting on the Snake River in Wyoming years ago , that was fun and a little scary, but it was some beautiful country to visit. I did the same on the Rio Grande River in New Mexico, but that was tame compared to the Snake RIver.

Ahhh… I'm starting to go down memory lane with all the camping trips over the years. Lots of good times, funny tales, and once in a life time experiences. I'm going to have to plan a long trip for
next year.

Road trip camping….the only way to see America.
i hope that's the work set up and not home, otherwise you're way overdue for some treatment.

how did you score your cup? i had to whine and beg until tom sent me one just to shut me up. it didn't work.

haha yeah its the work setup. its a mess over here. i actually won it because i was a top 10 performer on the autotracker. i dominated last year. my alias is warren buffet jr.
this is where proud tsptalk mug owners might want to further brag or discuss their new babies after posting a unique geographical picture in the official mugshots media page. (interstate 'welcome to' highways signs are especially noteworthy since only folks in the western or heartland states seem to have the freedom to stop along the road and snap photos). we've got UT, ID, MT, ND, MN so far now get busy you coastal denizens, are you out there?
I never go anyware execpt the grocery or Lowes, guess I could do one in the tool section.