Well Pess if at first you don't succeed try, try, and try again.

Bureau of Reclamation??
For the next four decades, BOR was responsible for both generating power and selling and transmitting this power. Then, in 1977, Congress created the Department of Energy, and assigned to it certain responsibilities and resources from Interior and other entities in the federal government. Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 (1977 Act), Pub. L. No. 95-91, Title III, 91 Stat. 578 (Aug. 4, 1977), codified at 42U.S.C. 7152. In the 1977 Act, Congress transferred to Energy the then existing PMAs and "the power marketing functions of the Bureau of Reclamation, including the construction, operation, and maintenance of transmission lines and attendant facilities." Id. at 7152(a)(1)(D). The 1977 Act also authorized Energy to establish additional PMAs if necessary to perform these power marketing duties. Id. at
7152(a)(3). Pursuant to this authority, Energy established WAPA in December 1977. See Western Area Power Administration, Annual Report Fiscal Year 2002 , at 7, available at
http://www.wapa.gov/media/pdf/annrep02.pdf (last visited July 19, 2004).
Congress, however, left the Reclamation Fund and the power generating functions of BOR in Interior, and continued to finance the marketing of BOR-generated power from the Reclamation Fund, that is, by appropriation from the Fund to WAPA.
Whew, this is worse than tax law!