Transfer 5/26/ for 5/27/04


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That end of May / beginning of June data is just too complelling to ignore.I will move the 25% I have in the G fund into the S fund this morning. Thatleaves me35%C and 65%S. It will be effective Thursday morning (2nd to last trading day in May)...


Chart provided courtesy of [url][/url]

The first five trading days in June are also all above average.
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I think C and S will do better. Just a hunch because of the dollar which should rise after coming down for about 2 weeks.

Haven't seen you for a few days PR.
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I'm actually rooting for some selling today. A nice 50 point drop in the Dow would be healthy for the overbought condition. Then the rally can resume tomorrow when I'm more fully invested. ;)
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tsptalk wrote:
I'm actually rooting for some selling today. A nice 50 point drop in the Dow would be healthy for the overbought condition. Then the rally can resume tomorrow when I'm more fully invested. ;)
/me chuckles.

So how much of a run-up by, say, Jun 2, would you consider to be "too much, too fast" and sell?

A lot of strong companies on my watchlist (and portfolio)are taking off very rapidly, i.e. SCSS, RHAT, WBSN and have put daily stop limits on them to sell on a huge jump.
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Rolo wrote:
So how much of a run-up by, say, Jun 2, would you consider to be "too much, too fast" and sell?
This may be too optimistic, but we should find resistance at the 1135 and 1150 area on the S&P 500. And actually, the strongaverages run through the first 5 trading days of June. I'll post June's chart when I get home later.
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I'm already there, 30C/70S :D (edited) exit plan possibly for Jun 4 or 7. Ya! I'll go with that, speculating that the MACD will be like it was those two weeks in April. (heh...sound like I know what I'm talking about? 'cos I really don't.)

I was thinking 1155 also, same as before, small pullback, then, hopefully, the resistance becomes support and not another three-month trading range hoop-de-doo.

I am thinking that the leading stocks which are jumping, if they do not forfeit all of their gains and only pull back slightly, then that is indicative of iminent market performance, a litmus test. You think?
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Yeah. At this point is seems like we have had role reversal, bears are covering short positions on the pullbacks causing the market to stay up. It may be too early to tell though.
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See, this is why I am 'bad' at 'math': Something goes awry from the brain to the fingers, hehe.


Plus, I'm nervous around new people. :shock:


Yes, your dollar theory and interest rate knowledge are why I am in the C fund, which I had no use for hitherto. Pat yerself on the back! :cool:
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tsptalk wrote:
Rolo wrote:
So how much of a run-up by, say, Jun 2, would you consider to be "too much, too fast" and sell?
This may be too optimistic, but we should find resistance at the 1135 and 1150 area on the S&P 500. And actually, the strongaverages run through the first 5 trading days of June. I'll post June's chart when I get home later.
As promised...


Chart provided courtesy of [url][/url]
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Hello folks:

Since going ultra conservative (for me) a few weeks ago (21C, 21S, 21I, 37G), I have been gradually moving back into a higher allocation to stocks. Tom's advice to buy the dips worked very well. I have only been buying when all of the stock funds are in the red (preferably when S and I are down more than C). Currently, I'm up to 81% (32C, 25S, 24I, 19G). I would like to continue to increase my stock allocation to about 90% stocks (36C, 27S, 27I, 10G). I have been overweighting U.S. stocks more so (I usually split the stock $$ equally between the 3 funds). Also, I have been allocating slightly more to the less volatile C fund. I am at an impasse. We have seen a lot of green lately and I am wondering if any red is on the horizon. I guess I will just stick it out and wait for a red day. Of course, if things keep going up, the inevitable red day may still be more expensive than today ;)
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Pete -
Here is someinformation for you. Probably useless, but if it helps you make a decision...

One stat I saw was that the Tuesday afterMemorial Day is weaker than an average day. But, it happens to fall on June 1st this year which is historically above average.

The Friday before Memorial Day, like the day prior to most holidays, is typically stronger than average. But we have seen some weakness going into weekends last several weeks. Last Friday was up however as there seems to be a more optimistic view of the market lately.

The second week of June (see chart above) tends to give back some of the earlier June gains.

Like I said, mostly useless info. But I use this stuff when I have to make a tough call one way or another. There are many people still in cash or even short that are buying any weakness out of fear of missing the boat. I believe that is why we are seeing strength even in this extreme overboughtcondition.

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OK, for the seasonality play, we are looking to put a transfer to Gbefore noon, Wednesday, Jun 2 that will happen at Thursday, Jun 3's closing prices.

Then, if all goes well, we put a transfer back into C/S before noon, Monday, Jun 7 to take effect at Tuesday, Jun 8's closing prices. Or, Jun 17's closing prices may be better.


I don't have a Plan B yet, but I assume waiting for a dip would be it since the bulk of June is pretty depressing.

And in Pete's case, if history holds true, just wait until the downtrend just about completes itself.
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OK, for the seasonality play, we are looking to put a transfer to G before noon, Wednesday, Jun 2 that will happen at Thursday, Jun 3's closing prices.
Rolo -
I'm not sure why are you saying June3rd. Is that based on that June chart? If you use the historical data (which isn't always a great plan,but it is something) it looks like the 6th trading day of June is where the weakness kicks in. That would be June 8th.
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Ooooooohhhh!! I need a mallet that says "Trading days" to smack myself. I was reading them as calendar days. Dirty blonde and Polish, an embarrasing combination at times....and that is why I ask lots of save me from myself! heh

O'hell, I think I was looking at May part of the time, too.

Ok, attempt #2: For the first dip, sell June 7th closing prices, buy back at close of June 9th (Day 7), correct?

The next question is, is anyone going for it as a plan versus just keeping it "under advisement"?
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is anyone going for it as a plan versus just keeping it "under advisement"?

I will keep it under advisement. I am debatingon what to do tomorrow (Friday). The first day of the month (next Tuesday) tends to be a pretty good daybut the day after Memorial Day can be weak historically. The indices are now beyond being extremely overbought. Another big morning on Friday and it might be hard to stay in 100% for Tuesday.

caution:Trading using historical data can causepain. Your misreading of the chart could produce better results then the correct numbers. You just never know. :*

But like you had said one time (and I don't remember how you put it), if you have something to help you make a decision that goes beyond making a complete guess, then you have a small advantage. <-- I'm sure you said it better than that :)
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tsptalk wrote:
Your misreading of the chart could produce better results then the correct numbers. You just never know. :*! That is too funny.



Itook a break after I had thegrowing feeling that the more analysis and logic I applied to my trades, the more wrong they were. On top of that, the less I went on an unpremised urge, the more I missed out, which actually feels worse.

But, I am still learning. I think. I hope. Bah! It's something to do, in any case.
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I ended up staying pat. I think it was fate that the internet was down this morning ;) If we are down tomorrow AM, I think Imay ease a little more into C fund (35C, 25S, 25I, 15G) but Rolo's idea of waiting until things are a historically weakersounds good as well. I am still somewhat wary of Greenie's end of June forecast. He worries me more than anything else out there right now. The long-term trend Tom pointed out this AM for the S&P sure looks promising :^

On another note, it would be fantastic if TSP would extend the cutoff for transfers - my wife's account at Vanguard cuts off at 4PM eastern time for the next day's business. Also, it would be really cool if TSP would allow participants to transfer between funds, eg, G fund to C fund rather than reallocating everything. One of these days maybe :shock:
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As time goes on and I read you guys I have to share a bit of information that I have learnedduring the past 7 months, since I started moving my shares....... On May 6, 2004 I had nice TSP Account ($) all invested in the I Fund, as the I fund and the market started to loose ground and got nervous I pulled out and then every few days I will jump back in it and loose some more money! ! ! I finally started making some of the money back ( I lost over $10,000) during those weeks but now that the market is coming back and checking my figures I started at 13.13 (I Fund) and today is at 13.20......If I had left it alone today I would have made more money than I started with, but I am still $6,000 less than what I started with. From now on I will let it ride and see what happens........Thanks