The Right to Bear Arms Thread.

And here is audio of the 911 call- in three segments:

The store clerk was a concealed carry permit holder.

There are three segments of the audio.

1. Initial call with the perp in the store.

2. After the felon flees, the clerk talks to the 911 dispatcher.

3. 911 takes the call of a witness who was chasing the fleeing gunman.

WARNING: This 911 recording contains explicit language and may not be appropriate for children.
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Once you hear the audio, you'll hear why this one is borderline. The "perp" was fleeing the scene when the store clerk shot five shots- one warning, and four shots into the perp's car as he was getting away. You can hear all five shots on the tape.

In our state, once a felon is fleeing, a private citizen cannot shoot. A "Conceal Carry Permit" holder is required to make sure they ONLY fire in self-defense--not fire to try and capture the crook. Clerk could be in hot water.

This case is being hotly debated around town today.
Yea, that guy screwed up in a panic. Let'em run. Look up Castle Law, makes for interesting history and reading.
...gotta wonder the age of the clerk, and if he'd been attacked before...
Like, maybe, a VFW type -
...gotta wonder the age of the clerk, and if he'd been attacked before...
Like, maybe, a VFW type -

Perpatrator is age 39, unemployed former auto engineer.

The store clerk is age 70- a Vietnam Vet, wounded twice in Nam.

He used to work at "Farmer Jacks", a major grocery chain, that went bankrupt last year after Wal-Mart moved in.

Now he's working in this tiny country corner store 10 miles out in the middle of nowhere.

Police have the robber in custody. He was arraigned today.

Prosecutor is waiting for police report before he decides whether or not any charges are warranted against the clerk.
I agree..the situation is sad..But here in OK we have the "Make my Day Law"..the clerk would be celebrated as a hero.
Very sad.
James, I will suppose you will keeping us updated on the follow-ups?

I am thankful none of your family was driving down the street at that time, or even just dropping into the store to grab a quick loaf of bread....
I miss the olden days.
You don't see commercials like this any more.

James, your right about not seeing commercials like that again. It did take me back in time though. I didn't have the detective set but I did have a play tommy gun. Also owned a bazooka that was spring loaded and shot out a red shell about 10-15 feet. My best friend had a Mattel rifle that shot plastic bullets, wooden stock and a metal barrel.
James, your right about not seeing commercials like that again. It did take me back in time though. I didn't have the detective set but I did have a play tommy gun. Also owned a bazooka that was spring loaded and shot out a red shell about 10-15 feet. My best friend had a Mattel rifle that shot plastic bullets, wooden stock and a metal barrel.

just guessing here, but i bet neither one of you went on to robbing banks, assaulting domestic partners, or committing suicide with either the toy or real weapons in the adult years?

might be something to that.