The Party

Ahhh... Hmmm.....

Well, maybe this is getting a little wilder than I anticipated.

How about something more laid back.

Nnuut- do you have that grill fired up yet? Can we put some ribs on?

Everyone else- what would you like to bring to the party to eat? Can you capture a pic and show us what food item you'd bring to the party?

Here, I'll start.

Anyone care for some Jumbo Shrimp?
HEYYYY!!!! I'm late for the PARTY! Don't worry I'll catch up, I have a head start from last night, too much Cabernet! Oh Brother! wine2.gif

Here's a pic of the bar I installed in my Flordia room the other day. It worked really well last night. hic!:sick:
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Thanks folks this is MIND BOGGLING, over 30 posts WHAT A PARTY, I don't deserve all this, especially after posting in my Partying Stupor last night. If I posted anything that seemed inappropriate I apologize, but I knew not what I was posting. peop87.gif false%20teeth.gif
Now that that's over with where is the wine? Hey, FWM that Conncreek sounds good! hippy.gif
OK I'm back! Had to go get some Dutch courage to hang out here! some of my faves-not all drunk at same time of course. They serve a mean ginger ale for the non-drinkers too-and I don't even like ginger ale!


The hunk is a mighty fine hunk, JTH but I'll stick with family fare for today, thanks but pass. Hap[y bd, nnuut! Nice place for a party!
Now see, isn't this a much nicer way to spend a beautiful afternoon?

Love you all.


As Steady would say..... PEACE.

(Hey, where is Steady, anyway??)
