The Movie Game 3

Okay, I love movie quotes so I'm going to dredge this game up again.

What 1989 movie had the following famous (infamous?) quote:

"I'll have what she's having!"
Easy peasy. One of the greatest films of all time, Casablanca.

How about this one:

"You sold a reverberating carbonizer with mutate capacity to an unlicensed cephalopoid, Jeebs, you piece of sh!t... "
The Hangover.

How about this one:

"Oh my God it's a... it's a sarcophagus. Buried at the base of Anubis. He must have been someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty."
The Hangover.

How about this one:

"Oh my God it's a... it's a sarcophagus. Buried at the base of Anubis. He must have been someone of great importance. Or he did something very naughty."

Now that was sooo Easy and happens to be my most favorite Movie

The Mummy

"Hey, bum-fuk police, I'm being chased by a guy who likes to pull tongues out of severed heads with his teeth. Is there a special extension for that?"
Now that was sooo Easy and happens to be my most favorite Movie

The Mummy

"Hey, bum-fuk police, I'm being chased by a guy who likes to pull tongues out of severed heads with his teeth. Is there a special extension for that?"
Jeepers Creepers. I admit I had to Google it. And when I saw the answer I knew why. I love most kinds of movies but I don't do the scary with blood and gore kind. That was a funny line though!

The Mummy is much more my style. It's one of my favorite movies too. Here's a quote from another one of my favorites:

"The man who'll blow your brains out is Marshal Zane Cooper. You've probably heard of him, I know what you're thinking, he's old and decrepit, gums his food AND his women, but he can still shoot straight. "
Yepper..It's all yours now!
Okay, keeping in mind that I love old movies, here is the quote.

"Will you look at that! Look how she moves! It's like Jell-O on springs. Must have some sort of built-in motor or something. I tell you, it's a whole different sex! "