The Monkey Bar

Uhhh......uhhh......uhhhhh........miss.....uh misss......could you fill'er up please.....yeah yeah yeah.....not I'm not the like my haircut......what tha.......hey, what did you rub in my hair sweetie.......:blink:

Hey, anyway as I was saying before, uh whats your name again sweetie.......that cut in the market I thought I saw last week came and, no, I'm not famous, but my Crystal Balls are getting some good marks of late.....Hey, wasn't that Ebby that just came, no that was an illusion.....anyways, as I was saying ....this thing is a hum dinger at the moment and to expect any recovery anytime soon would be unexpected.......looks like its sliding time until eoy in my viewpoint, but hey, I've been having a few since this afternoon.......F fund won today.....the F'ing fund of all the funds.....I ain't complaining t'day sweetie.....nor tonight.

"if you're not in the "G" you can't post here"

I'm in the G-fund big time rite now. I took a chance and waged 1% on the I-fund today. Lost 21 bucks. I'm kicking my self.

August 8th will be another day and I'm sticking my neck out and waging 3% on the I-fund. If this don't work, guess its 100% back to G-fund.

Let's all collect the marbles tommorrow 8/8th, you hear.
I thought Carnac said any position was welcome???:o

Sometimes you just need a drink (no thanks, I'm driving tonight).

Going to the G tomorrow. Then drinks are on me. I need a good bender to close the last two weeks.:nuts:

Too true.

Just pointing out that one should not be in the bar if they are operating heavy equipment (no designated drivers are needed if you are in the G fund). Drinkers are more fun in a bar anyway.

I have made a transfer to 100% G. Barkeep --- pour me a margaretta please:D No salt, and 100% blue agave, my good friend. Please keep them coming as I think I'm going to be here awhile. :)

So, before I get too happy, anyone care about Bonds and the new record?

Too true.

100% blue agave, my good friend. Please keep them coming as I think I'm going to be here awhile. :)

So, before I get too happy, anyone care about Bonds and the new record?


Aaron(?) still holds record, He did it withoug drugs. :notrust:

Sorry 'bout yer teqilya, but the farmers are'nt growing it any more,, they went to corn for ethanol produtction!!:mad: :(
May I interest you in some fine Irish rye whishsky instead???
...anyone care about Bonds and the new record?

I'll give him props. Anyone who has tried knows how difficult it is to hit a baseball. It's the most difficult skill in sports. 'Roids may have - and I say may have - allowed him to hit the ball farther, but he still has to hit it and make good contact.

Some tekilla growrs make pure 100% lovely blue agave. I don't <hic> drank corn alco...alco....alcohol <hic>. And don't get me started on putting corn or <hic> rice into beer. Truly the work of the devil:cheesy:

Bonds, bonds,....Very weird how <hic> fans don't care how he beat record. An analysis done my a sports writer showed <hic> that Bonds was a supersar before the Belco thingy, but only after taking those "vitamin" <hic> suppliments did he get to this point so quikely. Wonder if a regression analysis would show this. Anyway, the point is <hic> that he probally would have broken the record within the next few years without the vitamins.:notrust: The only ones who care are stat fans. Maybe our socity only cares about winners not how they became winners. <hic>

Barkeep - another round.

Did I mention that takilla makes me talky:D <hic>

Great market so far. Drink up
You better watch out for that Tequila! I hear there are four phases.
1. Talking a lot
2. Dancing a lot
3. Stripping a lot
4. Happy Ending!:D
You better watch out for that Tequila! I hear there are four phases.
1. Talking a lot
2. Dancing a lot
3. Stripping a lot
4. Happy Ending!:D

Hee, hee...<hic>

My tekilla phases:
1. Talking alot
2. dancin alot
3. staring alot (if there's a TV or fire, I'm staring)
4. praying to porcalin goddess
5. sleeping in clothes
6. wake up and regret

I usually can stop at 3 <hic> now that I am old and have some disciplin:D
Corn or rice alcohols cause me to skip from 1 to 4. (this took awhile to learn:cheesy:)

Love the cactus juice.