The five root causes of a BEAR MARKET are caged for now!

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Hey Birch:

I'm certainly not trying to start an argument, but your continued use of the ethnic/racial slur "Raghead" is really offensive and has no place in intelligent conversation. We have many dedicated Arab-Americans in our military (I know a few)with their boots on the ground waging the War on Terror against thethe Criminal, Terrorist, Insurgent, Jidadists, and I'm sure they would also be displeased by your choice of words (As would our many friends and allies who happen to be Arab.) Ethnic slurs and stereotyping is one of the things that always seems to get us in trouble internationally........Ever read "The Ugly American"??? We just need to be a little more sensitive to other cultures. We are in the minority, after all.

End of lecture...Best to you and yours !

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Dogdaddy wrote:
Hey Birch:

I'm certainly not trying to start an argument, but your continued use of the ethnic/racial slur "Raghead" is really offensive and has no place in intelligent conversation. We have many dedicated Arab-Americans in our military (I know a few)with their boots on the ground waging the War on Terror against thethe Criminal, Terrorist, Insurgent, Jidadists, and I'm sure they would also be displeased by your choice of words (As would our many friends and allies who happen to be Arab.) Ethnic slurs and stereotyping is one of the things that always seems to get us in trouble internationally........Ever read "The Ugly American"??? We just need to be a little more sensitive to other cultures. We are in the minority, after all.

End of lecture...Best to you and yours !

I agree. That is a racial slur.

However since he is a bull that is A-OK here.
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DMA wrote:
Until you get the basic terminologycorrect perhaps you should not guess with your comments. Some people on this board are trying to learn and others have a better understanding. You are not helping the people that are just starting out with their very basic building blocks of financial knowledge - the terms. For the people more advanced you are clownlike in your behavior.

Everyone that does not agree with you gets attacked.

Let me paint it for you again.

Overnight rate 3%. 6 month 2.99.

If short term securities offer a higher yield, then the curve is said to be inverted.

Can you grasp this basic concept? Or do you just want to admit you have no idea what you are talking about? Or better yet you are wrong will not admit it but instead attack the person trying to point out for others on this board you are not correct.

It is not the duration it is shorter term over longer term rates.

You are taking thedefination to an incorrect extreme. No rate is over the 30 year so yield curve is not inverted. That is total and complete line of stupidity.

6 month yield higher then the overnight isan inverted yield curve.

You are immature, throw a lot oflies/errorsup on this board, not helpful to anyone, will not admit you made a mistake and a waste of time to listen too.

That is not a personal attack. That is just the facts.

You get banned. Say you will not attack again and again again. Act like a human for a week or two then attack anyone that does not think exactly like you or bow to your incorrect line of thinking.

You are the worse kind of person to have on a board with people trying to retire at a half decent age and for those starting out.

If anyone is a toddler it is you and you should be banned again and never allowed back on this board.

You have thrown a lot of doo doo on this board. When someone tries to point out you are not using the correct terminlogy you attack them.

Maybe you should be a lurker and not butt into conversations you do not understand anything about. And just maybe do a little research and learn a little and NOT GUESS all the time.

Think about how idiotic you look. You bash me for saying the yield curve is not inverted. Then post a chart with a inverted yield curve. Either you can not read a chart are you just get by, by feeding people a line of bull all day.
Why do I bother..................once again 6-month security is NOT a LONG TERM SECURITY!!!!!!!

MT, get a grip brother. If anyone needs banned, it is you. You are after all supposed to be banned. And as far as bashing, well we all know who does and who doesn't.

I know guys, he's just trying to get my dander up. :P

BTW, see the market lately? :^
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You are right - I'll refrain. My wife was right-you can teach me some class.

My daughter called today to tell me Col. Hackworth has passed away. I think he was one of the last commanders working in Vietnam with elements of the 9th Infantry Division before they were deactivated in Hawii. An American hero who cared more about his men than his resume. I really liked this guy. He had more holes in him than swiss cheese - and kept going back for more. His memory will live in me.


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If that 10 year bond keeps rallying, what will AG do - he doesn't want an inverted yield curve- unless he has been on the phone with Yogi and Chicken Little. They seem to have far reaching contacts - especially I won't. I'll get another short lecture, that's a pun. Heck, look at that sp500 go- I can watch it for only a short while before my neck gets tired. Call Mike and have his friends buy this puppy after 1500 hours. I've already notified my two. Take care

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Gee DMA .....nice to have someone else to see personal behavior the same as me.....I just couldn't put it into words......good job.....;)

Nice work on the inversion....I've heard of it before years past, but I never paid much attention to it.....I strictly went technical and watchin Fed action with economic moves always can be seen technically.....:^

Fed action has been would you say it.....behind the ball and ....the economic news is dismal in my opinion......all leading indicators in my book....its just a matter of how much and when......economy kinda reminds me of the Japanese economy over the last 10-15 years or so.....

MM, I'm offended by calling DMA MT....:shock:

"MT, get a grip brother. If anyone needs banned, it is you. You are after all supposed to be banned. And as far as bashing, well we all know who does and who doesn't."

You had been calling me MT....but Tom knows I'm you calling DMA MT...tsk tsk everybody MT to you???:?

Maybe you need to see a doctor???:l

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The Technician wrote:
Gee DMA .....nice to have someone else to see personal behavior the same as me.....I just couldn't put it into words......good job.....;)

Nice work on the inversion....I've heard of it before years past, but I never paid much attention to it.....I strictly went technical and watchin Fed action with economic moves always can be seen technically.....:^

Fed action has been would you say it.....behind the ball and ....the economic news is dismal in my opinion......all leading indicators in my book....its just a matter of how much and when......economy kinda reminds me of the Japanese economy over the last 10-15 years or so.....

MM, I'm offended by calling DMA MT....:shock:

"MT, get a grip brother. If anyone needs banned, it is you. You are after all supposed to be banned. And as far as bashing, well we all know who does and who doesn't."

You had been calling me MT....but Tom knows I'm you calling DMA MT...tsk tsk everybody MT to you???:?

Maybe you need to see a doctor???:l

I'm not the only one Merlin, and I won't even comment on you speaking for others.

Just remember, nuts don't fall far from the same tree.............

Good luck,

MT, oops, I mean M_M
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Hmmm, interesting perspective on the future Elgall.......maybe we should all find an alternative life support......:(

I've beensuggesting that this "global economy" was destablizing for years....since early 90's......u know the funny thing about it is, the quick profits they have made over the last decade could possibly be averaged out over the next 20-30 years.....

I know the Elliott wave faction predicts that the world economy is gonna be deprived till 2060 or so.....I think I will be too old at that time to see it then....but my kids will.

My son hunts and fishes pretty good......maybe he is gonna need it....

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Birchtree wrote:

You are right - I'll refrain. My wife was right-you can teach me some class.

My daughter called today to tell me Col. Hackworth has passed away. I think he was one of the last commanders working in Vietnam with elements of the 9th Infantry Division before they were deactivated in Hawii. An American hero who cared more about his men than his resume. I really liked this guy. He had more holes in him than swiss cheese - and kept going back for more. His memory will live in me.


Yep,a genuine American Hero & Legendary Leader. Go to this link for some good info on "Hack" and his thoughts on military doctrine and leadership. We should all honor him and all other great soldiers on this anniversary of the Normandy Invasion.
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Tech, I apologized if I misled you with my remarks. I wasn't asking for a date. All I was trying to convery is that on a market recession, we are the lucky ones because we can easily affect a change in our funds allocation and go to the safety of G. I also notice that others utilizes your viewpoint to better see the bigger picture.

Milk, Thanks for pointing out that the market usually gives us an indication of a big drop like the 10% you mentioned as one of your example. I truly believe that just by haning around here, we will usually be able to see those warning signs.

Mike, I know that you are a lab techie not a market techie. :D

Birch, You are out of control permabull contrarian.

Dogdaddy, I am with you about watching our comments for generalization.

Tekno, I'm a bullish bear so i believe with your assessment that the year will be up. However, choppiness will be all over us, at least until during the summer.

WW, My lady, good question... You always have a knack on asking those questions that I can never come up with.

Dave, Wake up!!!! :dude:

DMA, You are wrong about your assessment that your bearishness is not welcome here. It is very welcome here indeed.

Pyriel... You need to get a life...:P Ooooppppsss... Thats me...
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Good night John Boy.

That was a pretty sad bounce after the sell off on Friday.

Could be lots of selling after lunch tomorrow ahead of the trade balance report.

With USD hitting multi month highs and oil over 50 a good it could be a record again.

:(Could see a yield spike with giant treasury auctions on Wednesday and Thursday at 2pm.

Should be an interesting week.

Not to scare anyone.
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Ok Pyreil......just keep your boots on.....or else I'll send you to see the doctor along with MM.......;)

I went back over the last week to see what we could have derived out of the F fund of the last month or so.....It did pretty well...much better than the G I began looking at the fund and noticed that it could be something to stay away from at the will cycle overand will be back in good graces soon...but I would stay away for now....

Looking at the market action every daykeeps reminding me that its propped up......:shock:

WW take a look see at Mar - June in 2002, it dropped 400 points in just a couple of months.....that is possibly what could happen, but that was under pretenses that the economy was returning.....the scenario now is that the forces to be will finally acknowledge that the economy is pitiful.....and that would mean something like a more direct drop 100-200 points in just a couple of weeks see Mar 2000.....and then lookforfurther drops later on......hope that is what you're looking for.......:^

lets see .....I need to make a doctors appointment for Mikey.....hmmmmm, the 15th seems too early.....lets see, the 16th is open......ok Mikey, you have an appointment to see the doctor on the 16th!!!:x

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pyriel wrote:
Tech, I apologized if I misled you with my remarks. I wasn't asking for a date. All I was trying to convery is that on a market recession, we are the lucky ones because we can easily affect a change in our funds allocation and go to the safety of G. I also notice that others utilizes your viewpoint to better see the bigger picture.
Milk, Thanks for pointing out that the market usually gives us an indication of a big drop like the 10% you mentioned as one of your example. I truly believe that just by haning around here, we will usually be able to see those warning signs.
Mike, I know that you are a lab techie not a market techie. :D
Birch, You are out of control permabull contrarian.
Dogdaddy, I am with you about watching our comments for generalization.
Tekno, I'm a bullish bear so i believe with your assessment that the year will be up. However, choppiness will be all over us, at least until during the summer.
WW, My lady, good question... You always have a knack on asking those questions that I can never come up with.
Dave, Wake up!!!! :dude:
DMA, You are wrong about your assessment that your bearishness is not welcome here. It is very welcome here indeed.
Pyriel... You need to get a life...:P Ooooppppsss... Thats me...
I don't know how you are coming along in learning the market Pyriel but you sure are developing quite a sense of humor!
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may give up on any maket decline short term....looks like we have begun the so long 2 greenspan rally.:)

dennis u were right!:^

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well, ithas taken me onlyabout 90 minutes to read the 35 pages posted here between 0853 and midnight, Monday, 6/6 - that included the links and the links w/i the links. Some of this was good, - but I decided before I reached the end, that I truly didn't give a whitt for or about an inversion one way or another.

If everyone could please state their case, period. I lost count of the unnecessary remarks! Example:At 12:47 posting: a count of four refering to the inversion, and a count of 14 refering to the character of the addressee, and one statement saying this was not an attack, just stating the facts. !!! I use this as the example because it is such a very long post that could have been reduced to those informative four postings and have truly Not been an attack...........

..don't make the bulk of the board any more lost than we are -


(Spaff - are you sure it isn't the other way around??)