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Hey Birch:
I'm certainly not trying to start an argument, but your continued use of the ethnic/racial slur "Raghead" is really offensive and has no place in intelligent conversation. We have many dedicated Arab-Americans in our military (I know a few)with their boots on the ground waging the War on Terror against thethe Criminal, Terrorist, Insurgent, Jidadists, and I'm sure they would also be displeased by your choice of words (As would our many friends and allies who happen to be Arab.) Ethnic slurs and stereotyping is one of the things that always seems to get us in trouble internationally........Ever read "The Ugly American"??? We just need to be a little more sensitive to other cultures. We are in the minority, after all.
End of lecture...Best to you and yours !
Hey Birch:
I'm certainly not trying to start an argument, but your continued use of the ethnic/racial slur "Raghead" is really offensive and has no place in intelligent conversation. We have many dedicated Arab-Americans in our military (I know a few)with their boots on the ground waging the War on Terror against thethe Criminal, Terrorist, Insurgent, Jidadists, and I'm sure they would also be displeased by your choice of words (As would our many friends and allies who happen to be Arab.) Ethnic slurs and stereotyping is one of the things that always seems to get us in trouble internationally........Ever read "The Ugly American"??? We just need to be a little more sensitive to other cultures. We are in the minority, after all.
End of lecture...Best to you and yours !