Swamp Dog's Account Talk

Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Deciding to go to S fund COB today. ebb thinks their might be a +FV today
Well at this point in the day it is looking like sticking with our original plan is on target. But who knows with the recovery efforts the S has been pulling the last few days into the green what the close will bring. As for me I believe I will stick to the original plan and either make a move into S COB Mon or Tues depending how it looks.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Should of stayed in the I

Hey, same here, but I was just too chicken. Usually I am more brave but things just seemed too iffy for me.

So, I did what I had to do, and now will pay the price.

Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Well see Post you would have had me if you stuck to the plan, but you got to take different risks and sometimes they pay off and some times they don't. I have to make around .3% by COB Wed to meet my goal and then start on March. Hopefully the trends of years past hold up to their end so when I do a switch into the S on Mon or Tues I will pick up a nice gain. Good luck to all this week.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Staying with my original plan and did IFT from 100% I to 100% S today and hopefully past years trends will give a nice last minute of the month raise.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Wow looks like today is going to hurt, hopefully there will be an afternoon rally so the losses won't be that bad. Still sticking with the S though and hopefully March sticks up to its past.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Geez yesterday sure did hurt :mad: ... lost the whole months gains so I am guessing that S wont rebound the 3% today that I need to make my monthly goal. Hopefully today we will see a slight rebound with some turmoil over the next few days and then level off and get on the rise again like last year in July. If I only loose the 3% it isn't bad if I can make it the other 11 months. Guess we will see come December.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Hopefully S will finish in the green today but i have had enough of this roller coaster so moving to 100% G cob today.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Moving 100% I Cob today. Hopefully a new week will bring some value to foreign markets and since the "I" hasnt had any type of recovery since tuesday, I am hoping for a recovery starting Monday. Come on Baby I need a nice recovery :nuts:
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Seems like I've been moving in to early recently :notrust: so now I will take what I get from today and move 75% F 25% I, hopefully this market straightens out soon.
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Well I feel I have been sitting tight for long enough, time to try and increase my percentage. Moving COB today to 100% I. :nuts:
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Sure would have been nice if my move was on Wed instead of Tues but I will take the profits as they come. Locking in today and moving 100G, will wait and see what Monday brings and if all is in the red then possibly a good buying time for me. Have a good weekend all, I only got about 3 weeks left till I'm stateside again finally. :nuts:
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

Thank you and God Bless you!

Sure would have been nice if my move was on Wed instead of Tues but I will take the profits as they come. Locking in today and moving 100G, will wait and see what Monday brings and if all is in the red then possibly a good buying time for me. Have a good weekend all, I only got about 3 weeks left till I'm stateside again finally. :nuts:
Re: Swamp Dog Account Talk

I sure hope I can keep up when I get back home, it seems so easy over here since my IFT has to be made by 7pm local time over here so theres no pressure from lunch meetings or anything. This site has definetly helped me take a more keen interest in TSP since for the past 2 years I hadnt made a single IFT cause I had no idea what any of it meant. So my thanks to the creator and everyone else on here who share their knowledge and ideas.