“Your Federal Retirement Benefits”
Well, Saturday’s mail brought me my pamphlet containing OPM’s complete calculation of my retirement benefit. Lot’s of good summary information in there to review !
RE: taxes...they did take out a larger number than I would’ve expected, and did not factor in what was previously deducted from my interim pay. I’ll just have to make sure the end-of-year statement of how much was withheld includes both the back-pay number and the interim pay number.
Another interesting point : the statement DOES include a discussion of the total amount I had paid into the system, and even calculated the number for the monthly “tax-exempt” portion of my pay (using the “simplified method”) ! The total amount was quite a bit higher than I was expecting...but the thing I didn’t take into account was the military buy-back deposit...Duh ! That amount, which OPM correctly listed, goes into that same retirement pot as your basic pension paycheck deduction, so it’s used in computing your tax exempt portion.
The statement also confirms that I will NOT receive any sort of COLA until age 62, when my supplement goes away, too. Guess that means I’m TRULY on a “fixed income” for the next 5 years...maybe I’ll need that part-time job after all
I guess this pretty much wraps up my retirement story...I’ll post relevant information if anything exciting changes with my pension check, or if anyone has a question for me that I can answer !
I WILL continue posting about my attempt to do a partial rollover of my TSP, and the follow-on “full” withdrawal.