Steadygain's Groove and Trip Pad


TSP Elite
Hey Folks

Welcome to the Groove and Trip Pad

The place to talk about anything and everything

Felt it best to relocate here
for everything outside of TSP stuff
and will use my Thread for official use only

In keeping with my tradition
Thank you my friend, always a pleasure to have you onboard.

I sure hope we can keep the love and support going for one another; especially in times like these when the Markets keep tearing us down.

BTW - finally found that song I was looking for. The Zoo by the Scorpions.
Thank you my friend, always a pleasure to have you onboard.

I sure hope we can keep the love and support going for one another; especially in times like these when the Markets keep tearing us down.

BTW - finally found that song I was looking for. The Zoo by the Scorpions.

Oh Yeah! Michael Schenker, Another great guitar player. Scorpions Rock!
Thank you my friends,
When "the Zoo" came on the radio several months prior the Hendrix in me came to life like never before so that the original song was just a basic background and I was playing layer after layer of stuff that only Hendrix could do - and that was one of the greatest moments of my life. That is exactly the kind of stuff I hope to braodcast in the future.

Anyway have a great day everyone.
no offence taken, just saying i know how it is to not sleep @ night and how, thanks for the talk i have been doing a whole lot better on this at first i was pretty messed up but now i know at least she still stops at school once in a while i noticed her guitar and amp was gone last night for how long i dont know i hope she is playing it and not pawning it i would rather slip her a 20 than to see her loose her belongings for nothing maybe someday she will come back and drive my race car for me heck she can probably cut a better light than my tired old butt :D
I really love your sincereity and being so open. I can't help but believe she will come around and things will work out and I'm very glad I did not offend you. Women are just so different than men, in that we can blow things off so easily and see it as water under the bridge "it's over and done with" - where it's almost impossible for them to do that. She certainly has a lot of potiential and is obviously all the more striving to find herself - I just hope she gets things right with you - really loses herself in your love - before she goes any further.

Take care KC, have a great day.
Kar Crazy, I wasn't in posting mode yesterday, but I did follow your story as it developed. I can empathize with what you are going through. My first Christmas home from college, my 15-year old sister took off after a fight with our father. We lived semi-rural but only 40 miles outside of DC with 2 major highways, including interstate within a mile. My parents and 17-year old brother searched for her all night, while I stayed home by the phone. We were terrified. I think it was my brother who found her 10 miles from home at 6am, at a little roadside store at an intersection of 2 more local highways/county roads, opposite direction from the 2 major highways. You can imagine our relief. 15 is not 17, tho she looked like she was 17 by the time she hit 12. I will always be grateful we found her and were able to get her home before anything awful happened and we never saw her again. The family as a whole was extremely dysfunctional for many years, she was only one of the key players. It was a long way back to heal relationships, and major internal changes had to happen within several players one by one before the healing could begin to dominate family dynamics.
Years ago, I stood by a single mom friend with a 14-year old daughter who began skipping school, drinking and sleeping with her underage boyfriend. Mom and daughter actually got in a physical fight, the daughter was as big as her mother. When her daughter ran away 50 miles to next town, and called to say she wasn't coming home unless she could do whatever she wanted, whenever, the mom called me. I decided WE needed help. The help first came in form of school counselor, member of her church. We sat in his livingroom, while he began to teach her Tough Love approach and helped her develop strategy. The strategy that came out of that session was, Mom told daughter over phone, come home or I'll send the truant officer after you. She came home. Next move was, mom would pick daughter up from school every day at 3, not allowed to leave school by herself or go anywhere by herself for the rest of the school year. (I know that won't work for you, your daughter has the wheels, just telling a story about tough love that worked). The school pickup thing was difficult to arrange, required substantial change in work schedule and work assignments, required support and approval from her supervisor, as she normally worked 10-hour days with a fieldgoing crew. Her supervisor was a hero and was willing and able to find a way to help her deal with work schedule conflict. End of story, a year later, mom and daughter had never been closer, daughter a new person no longer acting out crazy. KC, I hope your story has an equally happy ending no matter how long it takes, know some of us have been there, done that, no easy answers, maybe no one solution-has to be specific to the person and situation, school counselor may be able to help-not all have that capacity, my own high school counselor sure would never have even been consulted, not even. My friend's school counselor tho, was able to meet the challenge. Will be praying for you and her both.
Alevin, I kept praying that God would send someone else who could say things even better. Thank you so much!!!!

You are a huge blessing for many.:)
thanks alevin
i called her counsler and asked him if she shows up to just call me and let me know she is ok now just setting back and awaiting for that phone call thanks to all i know alot of us are or have been or will go thru this me and her were very close she was my tom boy kinda sometimes you could see that little gear sticking out of her head, last year i ask her to drive my race car we made it to track she was all geared up and scared then the rain came now i just got handed a pile of work catch you all later and thanks bunches:D
Everything I'm about to tell you is entirely true - even though all of it will sound make believe. An overwhelming bulk of my life is committed to RESEARCH - especially pertaining to the BRAIN and the COMPUTER - and these TWO are merging as ONE at a very fast pace. We have already built a number of Brain Parts that function at miraculous levels so that individuals that suffered brain damage can have these areas restored through artifical means. The parts are designed to last and function beyond the normal brain, which by it's nature is subject to decline. Individuals who lost the ability to move their arms and legs are able to do a number of things simply by using their brain - attached to a machine which in turns transfers their thoughts to actions. In many ways we are improving on the Brain and the advancements are developing in both the birth of new devices and the fine tuning of others at an ever increasing rate. Yet every bit equal to this is the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and a Computer built on the brain's design. I realize that what I am about to say will offend many people - because it strikes against their religious beliefs; and somehow they interpret this as "an attack against God" - BUT I HONESTLY DO NOT MEAN TO IMPLY ANY SUCH THING. I AM SIMPLY STATING THE FACTS. In the near future a $1,000 dollar computer will have the ability to match the human brain, and a few years later (maybe 20 to 30) a $1,000 dollar computer will have more intelligence that all the human brains on Earth put together. They will have emotions and be more in touch with you than anything you could ever know in this lifetime. By this time you will carry a small Disc of your DNA in your wallet or purse that the computer will scan - and it will instantly know almost everything possible about your state of health (physically and mentally) - and this in turn will allow it to create the environment to settle your nerves, lower your blood pressure, and allow you to experience tranquility as you could never otherwise know it.


need to run - lots of patients waiting...
From the parking lot it is a large metalic building - like stainless steel - and you hear the "humm" of electricity and essentially feel it as you approach the building. Discs that cover the roof point in various directions - constantly receiving and sending signals. Huge cables sprawn from the roof to large metalic boxes scattered around the grounds; each one protected by a wire fence with waring signs "Danger - High Voltage". It's an eerie feeling walking up to the building because you have the sensation you're about to step inside a huge generator. As you approach the door - the computer has already identified you and warmly greets you by name. As you walk towards the door you hear the snap of metal while all the locking bolts release - and the door swings open.

Almost immediately upon entering the building you are consummed with a sense of peace and pureness. Everything is quiet (but it's a nice quiet) - a pleasant environment that feels like home. The computer is constantly monitoring all aspects of the internal environment; making sure the dust and impurities are vacuumed out of the air, that the humidity level is just right, that the lighting is perfect and the temperature is most matched to your liking. As you walk down the hall and approach the glass beads hanging from my doorway - a sense of confidence builds with each step. My pad is like a magnet - it is magical - and there is no other place on Earth that compares to it. Parting the beads you step in the room and see me at my usual place, comfortable and content - and immediately you feel in awe; chilled; comfortable; relaxed; and excited about your next adventure.