Steadygain's Account Talk

It's amazing how much different it feels once you pour what feels like your entire LIFE savings into High Risk :sick:

If somehow I could be 'Neutral' -- like when I'm in G Fund and the Markets take off like they did this week...

...with sustained Strength today --- especially after the past 2 days

... I would still think a likelihood of Higher Gains is pretty good.

At least this will help me tone down my confidence as the next 10 rounds follow :embarrest:

Well OBGibby is up 61.30% since 5/09

We should have a Thread for anyone that got 50% or better and just gawk at them in amazement
Decided last night I'm going to totally change the way I do the TSP

I'm IN and I'm staying in ~~ Screw it all ~~ until I'm ready to get out

For me that means watching the Markets a whole lot less ... and simply having faith that Staying In will pay off.

For me -- watching too close -- only screws things up :cool::cool::cool:
I'm with you on this train hit. The market is trying to retest the Friday lows and so far is holding. We could simply be basing for another symmetry move back to 1158 and beyond.
I reapplied some sun screen so I won't get burnt ;):nuts:

I feel for all that did :rolleyes: -- but hey -- it's the chance you take :(

...well, I've got a lot to catch up on .... later all .... was a good break

Almost anything and everything that could possibly be considered has alread been factored in ....

Job losses and foreclosures and anything else .... so we all have this huge tendency to get caught up in the day to day ... the next Fed Board Meeting and all the other stuff...

I guess if you had unlimited trades and could buy at a specific time of the day and sell at a specific time --- MAYBE -- just maybe these factors may mean something.

The other thing is the constant Tug of WAR -- 'we' as a group largely have determining whether we are in a BEAR - or BULL Market.

We are undoubtedly in a 'Recovery Period' - which Techincally is a BULL --- no matter how many corrections we have or how long a correction may last.

The absolute dumbest thing you could do is BUY -- hoping to catch a 2 or 3% RISE -- then SELL at a 5% Loss.

This is not a Birchtree Speech -- it's using your head and playing it smart. If you are fully in -- now is the time to HOLD ON.

That's my game plan ~~~ However if Alevie, Lady, Silverbird, and Malyla ....ummmm or maybe Bridgewaterbetty, Joylynn, and Grandma were to join in and go along with the other ladies ... I would probably all the more follow their advice.

Leading a meeting this morning ---- GL everyone
First 2 Days -- outstanding -- coming off 2 month Market Lows

Hope of Sustained Strength -- resulted in Major Disappointments. But don't get too caught up in the Moment !!!

Are the Markets on the Brink of collapsing with New Lows extending beyond last 3/09 ?

If the Major BANKS were struggling to stay afloat -- there would be cause for worry. They are NOT stuggling and in fact the bonuses all the more show how well they are doing.

The MOST critical underlying feature -- responsible for the Global Economic Disater - was the Weakness of the BANKS.

Bottomline -- BANKS are getting STRONG and there is little to no chance of them 'falling' or even getting weak...

We will NOT reach 'New Lows' -- but we are NOT going to come out of this recession with the Speed by which the Markets rose from 3/09 to 12/09. For now we are undergoing a 'Needed' and 'Healthy' correction -- and things will likely be pretty flat over the next year.

So relax -- and enjoy -- and either save up in G -- or DCA in High Risk -- but except what is and be at peace with it.

OK -- off to lunch ;)
Just checked the AT for the first time in quite awhile

I don't remember the F Fund ever taking such a substantial lead before :D:D

I do remember that G Fund was in the TOP 10 for a little while last year.

Anyway -- those in very LOW risk are towards the top.

When the Markets take off -- this won't last long. Even if a mild growth begins to emerge over the next year the High Risk will still win out. So far there is nothing to indicate a HUGE downfall; and therefore I have to see this as a 'Minor Correction' or delay along the long path.
Just checked the AT for the first time in quite awhile

I don't remember the F Fund ever taking such a substantial lead before :D:D

I do remember that G Fund was in the TOP 10 for a little while last year.

Anyway -- those in very LOW risk are towards the top.

When the Markets take off -- this won't last long. Even if a mild growth begins to emerge over the next year the High Risk will still win out. So far there is nothing to indicate a HUGE downfall; and therefore I have to see this as a 'Minor Correction' or delay along the long path.

Hope you are right.....:)
Hope you are right.....:)

I do too !!!

In part I think Silverbird is right -- in that she's like a super genius

but also in noting that there is little time to waist when it comes to retirement and last year clearly showed us that the only way to get ahead is by being invested.

In that sense I believe the Markets are in no way, shape, or form going to fail us. There may be some weeks where things look bad and feel even worse -- but in the LONG RUN those fully invested will rise to the TOP and be far more prepared for a lengthy retirement.

For all of us on the AT -- Low Risk always crawls and High Risk rarely crawls. So when the Markets take a turn for the Better all those in Low Risk will quickly sink towards the bottom.

History however is no guarantee this will continue :rolleyes:;)
For all of us on the AT -- Low Risk always crawls and High Risk rarely crawls. So when the Markets take a turn for the Better all those in Low Risk will quickly sink towards the bottom.

..that is okay - I finally got ahead of L and G - just hoping to stay that way, & keep some change in the coffer...!! :blink:
I'll wave & give you a smiley face as you float to the top again !!!:)
...just as long as you aren't stepping on my shoulders to get there....!:(
I finally got ahead of L and G - just hoping to stay that way, & keep some change in the coffer...!! :blink:

Well that is no surprize to me -- you are undoubtedly the Best of the Best !

I'll wave & give you a smiley face as you float to the top again !!!:)

Thank you Grandma -- what a pleasant surprize !!

...just as long as you aren't stepping on my shoulders to get there....!:(

Would never do that Grandma -- I'm just not made that way.

UP UP and AWAY in my Beautiful Beautiful

When you hear me singing that song then I'm getting close ....;)

and I've got the cookies and milk
It's kind of weird in that it feels like GOD is playing with my head :p

Last night I really poured my heart out and after a very in depth prayer was at peace with leaving everything fully invested and just letting things ride.

So that's the game plan and I seriously am not thinking about bailing when I make some GAIN.

Staying IN -- means you'll never lose an UP day -- and with the Markets @ 10,000 there is plenty of room before they honestly hit a TOP in the years to come.

In all seriousness I came here to LEARN -- and the ones that strike me as the most knowledgeable are the very ones who missed out on some of the 'Biggest Gains'

The Ones who had been at the Bottom ... forever and ever ... wound up at the TOP ... not because they changed here and there but because they stayed IN -- the whole time.

I probably will change my investments down the line as the 5% in C was playing with Birch :rolleyes: but in all sincerity for me it's best to stay in and not try to guess. Guessing is way more risky in the long run.

Well GL all
Only 700 more points to the upside to go and we're back to even. I think it will come swiftly. I'm starting to build my lamb chops portfolio that will protect my base portfolio from the vagaries of a margin call. It's good you are staying put - 1250 on the SPX before the end of March.
Only 700 more points to the upside to go and we're back to even. I think it will come swiftly.

Well I'm not going to get my hopes up Birch -- if it happens then that's cool but if it dives I simply DCA until it comes back.

I've got years to go

I can guar-an-dam tee you however ~~~ if I had BAILED it would definately FLY -- so I'm not taking anymore chances.

Plus Silverbird said 'I can play nice or mean' - the choice is yours.

In otherwords I have no chioce :laugh:

I'm starting to build my lamb chops portfolio that will protect my base portfolio from the vagaries of a margin call.
You're a good man Birch -- in the end you proved yourself

It's good you are staying put - 1250 on the SPX before the end of March.

Thanks man -- observing you and the others really paid off. I'm totally convinced STAYING IN -- for the LONG RUN is by far the Best Option ~~ especially considering where we are today

Have a good night my friend

and the rest of you settle down and behave ...

will be back tomorrow ---- Birch is now in charge.
There is a chance that the Markets will RISE and continue to RISE throughout the YEAR ... whether this be due to external manipulation or whether it simply reflects increasing strength in the Corporations and Industries associated with the Markets...

In that event Staying in High Risk is the Best Option

There is a chance that the Markets will FALL and then RISE and continue to RISE

In that event Staying in High Risk is the Best Option

There is NOT a chance the Markets will FALL and never RISE again

Market Update sponsored by -- Buy and Holders for Life

'Don't take chances ... but always be ready and stay on TOP'.
I've been meaning to stop by and compliment you on the new Avatar. Bright spot on an otherwise drab market:)