SRB Question


New member
I will be getting a SRB this Oct and I want to put about $10000 of it into my G-Fund. I am still new to this and I want to catch up as much as I can. What can I expect? Is it worth it? More, less? Thanks for any inputs!:confused:
I did he same thing 6 years ago. I had put 6 thousand in during a great market. That 6 thousand has probaly tripled, so I'd say it's worth it.

It takes money to make money ;)
I did he same thing 6 years ago. I had put 6 thousand in during a great market. That 6 thousand has probaly tripled, so I'd say it's worth it.

It takes money to make money ;)

Ok, so how did you go about making the one time payment? How do I just do a one time deposit to catch myself up? Thanks.....
Ok, so how did you go about making the one time payment? How do I just do a one time deposit to catch myself up? Thanks.....

Go to the Mypay website and log in.

From the main menue, click on the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) link.

Within that section you will see options to allocate your pay into TSP. Once your Bonus gets paid, it should automatically drop in. AS ALWAYS YOU SHOULD CONSULT FINANCE FOR CONFIRMATION OF WHAT I'M TELLING YOU.

Contribution from Current
New Basic Pay: 0% % - Max=100%
Special Pay: 0% % - Max=100%
Incentive Pay: 0% % - Max=100%
Bonuses: 0% % - Max=100%

Good luck ;)