Squalebear's Account Talk

Thanks Nasa, Grandma and JTH !

Some advice to those young'ns who feel too straped to increase their TSP Accounts.

If you get a 2% raise from good old Uncle Sam, Find out what that means (Gross)
on a yearly basis. Divide it by two (2) ,,,, then divide it by 26. Add the amount
to your current TSP Contributions. Before you know it, you'll have 17% of your pay
going towards your retirement. However, if your putting in less then 5%, your first
priority is to get that Full 5% Match. The plan stays the same ! Use your yearly
increases to help your TSP grow. This is the simple plan. Some may want you to
only put 5% into the TSP and any post-tax extra going into a Roth IRA. It has its
merits. Point being: YOU MUST ASSIST IN YOUR TSP's GROWTH. Not always
easy to accomplish, but, always necessary ! :) ;) :)

Great information SB.

The information below is from the TSP website under "Early Career". Sure wish someone had beat this into my brain early on.

The table below illustrates the impact of saving early for two savers, both age 25. The first scenario depicts a saver who invests $200 every month for 40 years. Assuming a 6% annual rate of return, this saver would have accumulated $400,289 by the age of 65.
The second scenario shows a saver who does not start saving at age 25, but decides to wait five years. At a $200 per month savings rate and a 6% annual rate of return, the account value by the time this saver reaches age 65 is $286,367 — a significant amount less than in the first scenario because the five-year delay means five years of forgone earnings and compounding. In fact, under this set of assumptions, a saver who waits five years would have to save almost $280 per month to achieve the same results as the saver in the first scenario.

Return Account Value at Age 65

Scenario 1 Invest $200/month, for 40 years at 6%/year = $400,289.00
Scenario 2 Invest $200/month, for 35 years at 6%/year = $286,367.00
Scenario 3 Invest $280/month, for 35 years at 6%/year = $400,289.00

Of course this assumes that you can make 6%/year for 35 or 40 years.

Remember that starting your retirement savings early is important because the longer you wait, the more difficult it can become to reach your financial goals. By waiting, you may find yourself having to set aside a higher proportion of your income for retirement. Also, you will have forgone any earnings that could have compounded during those missed early years.
If you are a FERS employee, don't miss out on free money from your agency. You should consider contributing no less than 5% of your salary to the TSP. If you do, you will receive the maximum Agency Matching Contributions. To learn more, visit Agency Matching Contributions.
Indeed, my first couple years as GS-5, working only part of the year and in school the rest of the year, I was only able to let the 1% go into TSP. Wasn't until I went full time GS-5, that I began putting 5% in. But left things in G for awhile longer and when I started diversifying into F or C, those allocations were a sheer guessing game, flying blind.

The internet didn't exist and I had limited resources to learn anything about market index behavior or retirement fiscal objectives, Individual Investor magazine was interesting, but I had no spare funds for individual stocks, thought I was doing good to put some $ into carefully researched mutual fund IRA (hardcopy monthly financial mags off the grocery store rack) as well as $ into TSP, once I went full time.

Getting by day to day-even winter heating bills were a challenge on fulltime GS-5 salary in an apartment that still got frozen and busted pipes everytime the temps went subzero, while paying my follks back on a loan that enabled me moving to my permanent job location. Ah, those were the days.

Young people today have so much more information easily available to learn from much much earlier to figure out longterm goals, and more investment diversity available as well. Use the time and net wisely, TSP 5% asap, as little time in G as possible, but read read read, learn learn learn, earlier is better. :cool:
Young people today have so much more information easily available to learn from much much earlier to figure out longterm goals, and more investment diversity available as well. Use the time and net wisely, TSP 5% asap, as little time in G as possible, but read read read, learn learn learn, earlier is better. :cool:

Speaking as a person who falls into the early-savers category, I just wish that I could have the experience that the seasoned TSPers have here on this board. Even with the internet, I lurk every day and try to gather as much information as possible, but it's still hard to "get" it. My 12 month performance was only +.12% using only 2 IFTs that definitely didn't work in my favor. I also missed the gains in 2009. I suppose I can blame it on my own fear. Speaking candidly, it makes me feel both a little jealous and a little ignorant when I see others post about their 17%, 24%, etc. gains for the year, and then I drive my fiance crazy when I beat myself up over hindsight. I would be REALLY glad to have had even the 6% gains that are mentioned in the example -- I just need to get to the level where I can make informed decisions and take the risks I should be.

I have been contributing 15% to my TSP since Jan 2007 (23 years old at the time). To make up for my poor choices in 2010, I have been contributing 20% since September 2010, and will continue to do that but I may hit the cap at some point in the year. My only saving grace since I have started my retirement account is that I didn't suffer from the stock market crash in 2008. My goal is to get to 100k by the time I turn 30, but I can't do that unless I can make some gains outside of what I am putting in. If I choose to get pregnant [or if it chooses me], I will have to re-evaluate what I am contributing .. daycare + my current mortgage + food, gas, etc .. it will be tight.

I do want to express very big kudos to those who have performed well, though. I really appreciate the knowledge everyone shares in this forum and I would be even more lost if I didn't have access to the internet and these public discussions. There are probably a lot more young TSP contributers out there who are lurking on these boards to learn, just as I have been.
Just came on board and haven't read below just yet, however, I wanted
to post my IFT to the (I) Fund (100%) before noon. Good Luck everyone !
I'm "seasoned" :rolleyes: but not as an investor. You sometimes just have to put money in a mix of fund and let it go. DCA over time will help you to make more$$. I almost made 20% this year on less than 10 IFT. I'm now following Intreprid Traders plan. It's on free trial for a few more weeks. Log onto premimum services and follow it for the rest of the month and see how much you gain . Having a plan sometimes is buy and hold, and sometimes trading frequently. Regardless, putting in 20% now you'll be way ahead for retirement than most of your young coworkers. :)
It's almost like the good old days ! This thread was jumping and the amount of
"Views" documented on the catagory page bolted to 6 figures. With all of the time
I've spent recovering, I'm surprised to see that only a few members have surpassed
me. Anyway, It was fun ! We had fewer members ! AND, its a testament to those
members who took the time to read and learn, then, come back for more !

Wow, ICB ! 20% of your pay is Crazy ! Good For You !

Alevin, your comments are always wise !

Nasa, somethings never change. Thank God ! Your desire to help others hasn't
waivered a bit. Good for you AND good for everyone who reads ur thread.

I hope everyone is well. My Cardiac Cath went well. In/Out/Done ! According
to preliminary results, the doc said the numbers were good. Praise God !
I'm "seasoned" :rolleyes: but not as an investor. You sometimes just have to put money in a mix of fund and let it go. DCA over time will help you to make more$$. I almost made 20% this year on less than 10 IFT. I'm now following Intreprid Traders plan. It's on free trial for a few more weeks. Log onto premimum services and follow it for the rest of the month and see how much you gain . Having a plan sometimes is buy and hold, and sometimes trading frequently. Regardless, putting in 20% now you'll be way ahead for retirement than most of your young coworkers. :)

Very true Cattman, Intrepid has been around quite a while and its always great to
see others checking out ALL avenues to assist the growth of your TSP. In fact, you'll
find times when I "Buy and Hold" almost as much as Birchtree. The only difference is
that I hold for only a few weeks. (LoL) :laugh: DCA'ing was more profound in the past as
we had unlimited IFT's. Now, each move I make is either "Hit and Run" or "Miss and Stay".
In 2010, if you went into the (S) Fund on January 1st and left everything alone for
the year, you would have finished the year +29.06%. But those in the tracker with
over 30% jumped in and out as I do. Its all about comfort, risk and timing ! I want
to thank you for visiting my thread and please continue to do so. :)
I bet Steady will see the picture below and notice the "COOL" shirt Woo is wearing ! It
truly goes with the Jimmy Hendrix era ! :)
berry bear, am delighted, absolutely delighted to hear the cath meeting went well. Smiling ear to ear, wootime! :toung:
Well, time to go. But I'll leave everyone with a little question.

Does anyone remember how small WOO was in the first picture I posted ?​
For many of you, this following statement will be somewhat confusing.
For those who have read my thread in the past, this should bring back
some memories of the good old days.

"Don't be overly excited about the (I) Fund right this minute. The $EFDY
was down yesterday -1.26% and the (I) Fund finished at -0.74%

The overpayment of the (I) Fund should be deminished by days end. If the
market closed right now, the (I) Fund has 0.10 TSP Cents to give back.
Thus, we are down about -0.10 TSP Cents for the day. Even though the
$EFDY shows it being up +0.02%
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Well, the (I) Fund is floating in the unchanged area and I hope the TSP allows us another day before making up that 0.10 TSP Cents. :confused:

I corrected an error in my calculations. More to the down side ! Just goes to show you, its been way too long !
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With everyone trying to make changes and posting all around the same
time (just before the 12noon deadline),,,, my last post never was entered
and I ultimately lost connection to the internet all together. I'm just guessing
it was overloaded servers, however, its not the first time that hour glass turned
for a millenium because of conjestion and internet traffic.

With that said, I'll make a second attempt at the post (even if it's too late to help anyone).
I took 40% of my investment and took her off the table. Yup, I parked her in the (G)arage.
I also took the remaining 60% and diversified my risk into the following funds;

10% (.I) Fund
20% (S) Fund
30% (C) Fund

I can only hope the FRTIB allows me the entire gain today and doesn't short sheet us.
With my current 100% (.I) Fund, you never know. Maybe they'll give us a few extra pennys.
That would be nice. I also think the (C) & (S) had alittle more room to grow, since they
had a tough time of it (over the last few days). Thus I put my largest percentages into
the US Markets. Well, thats all I previously wrote. I sure hope what ever is causing the
slowdown gets fixed. More importantly, I wish everyone hear at TSPTalk a wonderful and
profitable 2011. I look forward to meeting new members and catching up with some of
the old heads (who I miss so very much). Good Luck to us all ! :)
Congratulation to the tons of members who went into the (I) Fund several
days ago, only to find a loss of approximately -1% (if you stayed with it)
and now find themselves currently up +2% for the day ($EFDY). Its easier
to panic and bail, then it is to ride the wave to profitability. We can feel
good now and breathe alittle easier as well. ;)
With everyone trying to make changes and posting all around the same
time (just before the 12noon deadline),,,, my last post never was entered
and I ultimately lost connection to the internet all together. I'm just guessing
it was overloaded servers, however, its not the first time that hour glass turned
for a millenium because of conjestion and internet traffic.

With that said, I'll make a second attempt at the post (even if it's too late to help anyone).
I took 40% of my investment and took her off the table. Yup, I parked her in the (G)arage.
I also took the remaining 60% and diversified my risk into the following funds;

10% (.I) Fund
20% (S) Fund
30% (C) Fund

I can only hope the FRTIB allows me the entire gain today and doesn't short sheet us.
With my current 100% (.I) Fund, you never know. Maybe they'll give us a few extra pennys.
That would be nice. I also think the (C) & (S) had alittle more room to grow, since they
had a tough time of it (over the last few days). Thus I put my largest percentages into
the US Markets. Well, thats all I previously wrote. I sure hope what ever is causing the
slowdown gets fixed. More importantly, I wish everyone hear at TSPTalk a wonderful and
profitable 2011. I look forward to meeting new members and catching up with some of
the old heads (who I miss so very much). Good Luck to us all ! :)

I just hope we don't get one of those nasty -FV's from Barclays.:nuts: