SB, that was nice of you to add the disclaimer. I think it was important for the people who might be new to the site. I absolutely agree that the <1% IFT isn't a one-size-fits-all fix. It does NOT guarantee that it will be the right thing for every situation.
What it does for me is that it allows me to DCA into equities even though I'm retired and not buying more shares each month. It adds a theoretical possibility of up to 3.5% to my equity shares each market trading day - - up to almost one percent in each of C, S and I directly and then up to another 1/2 percent in equity funds if invested in all L Funds. If I use my two normal IFT's early in the month, then being able to DCA up to 3.5% every trading day after that puts me into a hugely different position at the end of the month than sitting at my last allocation twiddling my thumbs and waiting to be let out of IFT jail!
Now, I know that DCA-ing (dollar cost averaging, for the new folks; do yourselves a favor and google it) into equities is only a good thing if a person thinks (1) that we are close to a bottom or (2) that they are risking a small enough portion of their holdings that they are willing to ride it down.
So do I think we're close to a bottom? I have no idea! I don't think the market is going to turn bullish tomorrow, or next week. For all I know, the housing indicator could be right and we're going to lose another 400 points! (As my Native American friends would say, "Pah for that thought!") But I am risking a small enough portion of my overall TSP account as I learn how to do this DCA <1% thing that the risk is worth it to me. And I'll add cheaper shares as it goes down and keep my hand in the game that way.
And thanks again for the lessons!
I'm more then willing to help anyone become better informed about our
capabilities and how to do certain things. Even if it means staying up all
night to do so. But I started to feel abit nervous about the possibilities
of it not working for some and working for others. As you said, this is
not meant for every circumstance or situation. I'm not very surprised
that the <1% IFT's will work for you. In fact, I'm very happy it does.
It gives me a sense of accomplishment and feeds my desire to help the
membership in any way I can. I stumbled onto this <1% IFT method,
just as I stumbled onto the O/D Tracker information I post. Before the
limits were imposed, it truly helped me determine a better time to enter
or stay away from the (I) Fund. I recognize that these are strange times
consisting of uncertainty, instability and fear. This too shall pass, quite
frankly, we all can't wait until it does. So I will continue to answer those
questions put before me, to the best of my ability. I'll continue to stumble
over things that might help others. I will respectfully share what I find
with all our membership as we share a common goal already. That being;
To have some fun, kick some tail and make some money for our families.
Pheeeew ! I'm turning into one big bag of 50 year old hot air, sorry ! :nuts: