Could you explain this to me? Thanks.
Certainly ! I invite you to do a search of threads that contain; "<1%"
(without the quotes). You'll find some detailed information about running
out of IFT's (except back to the G) and utilizing the ability to rebalance
your account by doing a IFT with the same exact whole percentages
without going back into the (G) Fund. On a down day like today, instead
of the down day lowering your percentage in any fund, you can rebalance
each fund back up to the percentage you started with. It has no effect
on your total balance, but two things can occur if you do this;
#1- If the fund is up, you'll actually lower
the amount of shares you have in that fund.
#2- If the fund is down, you actually add
the amount of shares you have in that fund.
Some use the term DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging). By buying more shares
on the way down and at a cheaper price, your cost of owning those shares
go down. My goal was to have as many shares that I could muster in the
(C) and (S) Fund, for when a long over due Bear Rally occurs and the TSP
jumps skyward by double digit %'s (just as it did on the 13th of Oct). This
was a short term goal for me. Some use this kind of share accumulation as
part of a strategic plan which could last a very long time. (Birchtree). But
his circumstances are much different then mine and many other members
here at TSPtalk. Before implimenting any of the information you find on
this glorious website, you should research every aspect and compare your
own circumstances which could affect your outcome and goals. In closing,
you'll find a lot of information about <1% IFT's in my thread. But you'll have
to go back maybe a week or so before you'll find it. Oh yes, please don't
forget to read my signature below. I hope this helps !