Well-known member
Hmmmm -- why did you see the need to bump this thread only 9 hours later? Did it move down the page that rapidly in only 9 hours?Bump...
Well, you asked for other opinions, so here is mine. My investor catagory is: stupid smuck who doesn't know what he is doing.
I like systems, such as SS, that update weekly because I can work with that. I tried the Intrepid Timer system back in January when it was free. I assume that is what you mean by daily system. I couldn't use that because there wasn't enough time between when the information came out that morning and the TSP Noon cutoff time. I really need to know by at least the night before if I am going to make an IFT. So, given my work schedule I couldn't use anything that was shorter than twice-weekly/every-other-day.
I still think weekly information is the best for someone like me. It gives me some time to mull over the information and decide/react. My 2¢ worth.