Re: Davehop21 Account Talk
Barney doesn't get it. It's the fiscal conservatives, and the fundamentalists in full rebellion - against a plan that was presented in completely the wrong way, with the wrong messenger, and abyssmal timing. Ok, we need the electorate to rescue those bankers, now, no strings attached, for more money than the Afgan and Iraq wars, and oh yes, this is the only way to stem the tide but it won't solve the root problem. And the messenger? Paulson. You know, the suit who asked for a bazooka that he wasn't going to use to help Fannie and Freddie, shot it off about a week later, and now is asking for a surface to air missle. As the senator who used this analogy says, when do we start throwing (fiscal) nukes?
Ok, and we present it right before you all need to go home and campaign for the Nov 4 elections. So you can't leave until you pass this bwahaha, so better hurry!
And the lame duck trying to hide behind the new flock leader candidates, inviting the House Republicans to a tea party where they are supposed to play nice, why is anyone surprised if someone kicks the table?
I'm saying this, and I'm a blue dog. I think the Dems are being snookered into trying to fill the San Andreas Fault with dollar bills because there's an earthquake coming, and Engineer Paulson says that's the only way to keep San Francisco from going under. Ok, you toss the money in, now you have nothing for the aftermath.
Barney should be happy, it shows a huge split in the Republican party. So he should just sit back and let Bush, Paulson, and Berneke explain in plain English to the American people, why they need to start shoveling money at these scofflaw banks, since they started this out with an appeal to the American people that has totally boomeranged into a rebellion by the electorate. Unfortunately Democrats always want to "do something!", and know that the earthquake is coming, so I think they are going to get snookered by Paulson.
Already this is now a Democratic plan. Bush is going away, thanks for all the fish! Now you won't have any money when the waste products hit the fan, and you'll all get replaced by Republicans.