Silverbird's Account Talk

Hello, little birdeens out there, it's time for the midyear assesment!

C, S, I, L2040, L2030: Tweety: "I taht a tah a Puddy Ta...."[*crunch* meow that tastes goood with milk]

L2020, L2010, LIncome: Tweety: *Flapflapflapflap* [*crack* goes the branch] *SQUAWK* *Yipe* [Wile E Coyote fall]

G, F: Tweety up in a tree, picking at a branch with only a couple leaves left. He looks down, "I taht I taw a Puddy Tat! I did! I did!" Sylvester is sitting picking out the blues on a guitar. Next to him is a pile of bird seed.

Silverbird at 0.69% sitting on a low bare branch a bit above Silvester: *Squawk, squawk,squawk* (grumble). "Not much here to add to my nest egg!"
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...and the scaredy bird finally gets over 1% and passes F's earnings for 2008 again. Sooo, should I stay (5% C and S) or should I go now? :confused:
Seek within the mystic fog of the outer dimensions of your mind - listen to the chanting:

Should I stay or should I go now?

If I stay there will be trouble... :laugh::nuts:
Ok, flying up to the nest again, I'm in training most of next week and don't have time to watch for falling knives. IFT today 94% G, 6% F (selling S and C), collect some chips.
Ok, flying up to the nest again, I'm in training most of next week and don't have time to watch for falling knives. IFT today 94% G, 6% F (selling S and C), collect some chips.
Ouch! Squawk!!! that's a falling knife. Still on a low branch with 0.95% gains.
G still winning for the year. :(

Tour of France Bike Race- U.S. based team Columbia (clothing)/Highroad
Highlights so far:
4 Days in Yellow Jersey (race leader): Kirchen
White Jersey wins by Lovkist (new young rider)
Four Stage Wins by British rider Cavendish: First time 4 stage wins in 1 Tour. He'll be at the Olympics
One Stage Win by Burghardt
Hincape leads the team as the ultimate escort and strategist (he was with Armstrong on every one of Lance's Tour victories)
G still winning for the year. :(

It's been one of the most difficult years to time. Very sporactic and started off terrible.

As crazy as it may sound - I'd still rather be -20% and learn from my mistakes than stay in G and not do anything.

Nsurf9 - was just shy of 20% - so it can certainly pay off.
New contributions in G this paycheck. IFT's still 6% F, 94% G. I expect CS to continue downward for a space, so not buying now, F is going up, so not buying now, and still can't figure out what "I" is doing so not buying now. :rolleyes:
New contributions in G this paycheck. IFT's still 6% F, 94% G. I expect CS to continue downward for a space, so not buying now, F is going up, so not buying now, and still can't figure out what "I" is doing so not buying now. :rolleyes:

I'd say you're in an outstanding position during this mix of unpredictability. Rock on my friend - conserve the fortune until the weakness shows better signs of ending.
Hello, Fed! Hello??? Sing it:

"Everyone's watching, to see what you will do
Everyone's looking at you, oh
Everyone's wondering, will you come out tonight
Everyone's trying to get it right, get it right

Everybody's working for the weekend
Everybody watching the clock in a trance
Everybody's goin' off the deep end
Everybody needs a second chance..."

---with apologies to Loverboy "working for the weekend"
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84% G, 6%F, 4%C, 6%S COB today. Hoping a dip today for the buy, and then a little bird seed over the next few days.:nuts:
Hoping for a pause that refreshes. If not, I may fold and take my winnings. Not sure yet.....
Need to get some more Breakfast of Champions to think on this one - Coffee, Please!
:sick: Warning, Options X this week. Conflicting thermals, bungee cord flight patterns. I'm just holding cause I couldn't tell a real move from a bungee spring.
Ooops! Too much work, missed the tick. I get to ride the bungee until tommorow, hope these straps hold up.:blink: