Show-me Account Talk

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Thanks for posting this Youtube video. I believe it was you or Poolman who posted a couple of links. If they are not privileged material I would appreciate if you can post the links to these daily TA chart daily analyses so that I can put them in my favorites. Thanks in advance!
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I support your trade on su my system fired a trade a couple of days early on it at a higher price... BUT The weekly trend is down and I don't trade agaist the longer time I didn't buy.. "this market is hard enought to trade..." the last 3 trades on su were system winners 2 with weekly trends up 1 weekly trend down.. biggest winner was up trend 21.77% 1-25-08 to 3-6-08

Try this on paper....
if you like a stock and your time frame is less than a week...
Buy it when the day price is down but the weekly trend is up...
buy on a down day..
Good luck
Show me
I support your trade on su my system fired a trade a couple of days early on it at a higher price... BUT The weekly trend is down and I don't trade agaist the longer time I didn't buy.. "this market is hard enought to trade..." the last 3 trades on su were system winners 2 with weekly trends up 1 weekly trend down.. biggest winner was up trend 21.77% 1-25-08 to 3-6-08

Try this on paper....
if you like a stock and your time frame is less than a week...
Buy it when the day price is down but the weekly trend is up...
buy on a down day..
Good luck

Skip, good to hear from you! Nice job on the 21.77% trade, well done. Ya know I forget some times to look at the weekly on my charts. Thanks for the advise.

I was planning to do some serious chart analysis tonight as I have been gone baseballing with my son since Friday. Problem is the dang power went out from a whopper storm. All is well and I will be looking at your weekly trend buying. Thanks again.;):D

Look out St. Louis!
Thanks for posting this Youtube video. I believe it was you or Poolman who posted a couple of links. If they are not privileged material I would appreciate if you can post the links to these daily TA chart daily analyses so that I can put them in my favorites. Thanks in advance!

I have a urge to cash out of everything.

I like SLV and it is coming into seasonality. Found a new stock to research, CREE. SU made some nice gains up over 7% at one point and my original thought was to hold. Now I feel like if the market breaks down the down draft will drag SU down too. Plus I would like to have some cash to potentially buy a block of SIX, CC, or UYG for a quick play.

Will set a stop or sell order on SU. Not going to loose my current gains.

Jobs report on Friday and who know which bank is next.
I see many more of our members heading for the G fund - that's perfect. This way there won't be any traffic jams when the bull kicks it into passing gear. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a 500 point day tomorrow - who would think it possible.
I see many more of our members heading for the G fund - that's perfect. This way there won't be any traffic jams when the bull kicks it into passing gear. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a 500 point day tomorrow - who would think it possible.

In this market anything is possible, BUT :toung: financials are the grease that keeps the machine (market) rolling and they ain't got no mo grease.:worried: Or they ain't doling it out like they use to.

It may be a election year, but it will be hard to rally this market until at least October, IMO.

Happy Birthday again.:D
Merrill to sell troubled assets, raise capital

Monday July 28, 8:32 pm ET

By Joe Bel Bruno, AP Business Writer Merrill Lynch to cut mortgage-backed securities, raise new capital by issuing shares

NEW YORK (AP) -- Merrill Lynch & Co., in a broad move to clean up its troubled balance sheet, said Monday it will sell a big slice of its toxic asset-backed securities and issue new stock to raise $8.5 billion of fresh capital.

The world's largest brokerage, struggling to right itself as the credit crisis continues, said it will issue more than 200 million new common shares as part of the deal. Merrill said it will write-down $5.7 billion because of additional losses on the sale of mortgage securities and hedging contracts.
I'll be buying more MER tomorrow under $25 hopefully. The lowest price I remember for Merrill is $17 and I don't remember the year - but within three years it was at $90. Sooner or later, the only game in town will be equities and I believe it's right around the next corner. This market will take off long before the economy places its' bottom - and everyone will be in disbelief wondering how can this be happening - classic history.
IMO, we will go a bit higher then crack. I am looking to exit all positions this week. My bet on 100% C fund was based on a very lousy June, down -8.41%. My thinking was that we historically rebound some what the following month. We will be lucky to be flat.

The next two months are historically bad.

Oil should rebound, we are not saving anything that the Chinese and Indians aren't buying.

IMO, the Treasury and the Fed will not allow a strong dollar at this point because at the current rate it makes bailing out or buying up our companies look very attractive to overseas investors. Right Budweiser?

Timing is everything in a election year and September or October would be the best time for the market to present a rally prior to the election.

Precious metals are historically stronger starting now. Weak currency equals strong metal prices and in turn strong oil prices.

One word: hurricanes

As soon as the election is over the market will crack again. The next Pres. will inherit the "mother of all economic messes".

Now what I would really like is to buy UYG for around $5 and hold it for a few years.:worried::D
Thanks for your thoughts Show Me. They make good sense. Couple that with the ongong mortgage issues and bank failures and...oh well..I guess it's G for me until I see the making of another rally. I'm not doing all that well this year in the market. Still down -3%...For a tme I was almost up to the G Fund (+1.3%)but stayed invested in stocks and we all know how that's working for us.GL to all.:D:D:D

Thanks for your thoughts Show Me. They make good sense. Couple that with the ongong mortgage issues and bank failures and...oh well..I guess it's G for me until I see the making of another rally. I'm not doing all that well this year in the market. Still down -3%...For a tme I was almost up to the G Fund (+1.3%)but stayed invested in stocks and we all know how that's working for us.GL to all.

FS, Look at the YTD and MTD %'s for the (C) (S) and (I). Now go back
to your YTD % and feel better. Although the (G) and (F) are ahead of us,
we can recover from those difference. But to be where the stock funds
are, my goodness, we are blessed !:)
FS, Look at the YTD and MTD %'s for the (C) (S) and (I). Now go back
to your YTD % and feel better. Although the (G) and (F) are ahead of us,
we can recover from those difference. But to be where the stock funds
are, my goodness, we are blessed !:)

Wow, I am betting the S&P by 10%.......BUT I am still negative for the year.:nuts: It doesn't give the the warm-fuzzy that I would like though. The perma bulls are holding onto some serious declines.
It is very difficult to beat the averages with our limited IFT's.:mad:
Wow, I am betting the S&P by 10%.......BUT I am still negative for the year. It doesn't give the the warm-fuzzy that I would like though. The perma bulls are holding onto some serious declines.
It is very difficult to beat the averages with our limited IFT's.

At some point, we'll all feel better about having the downside low and
the upside unlimited. Thats when this Hit&Run investors will think LONG
TERM and ignore the bumps along the way.
Hi everyone,

The right shoulder is weak but forming nicely. I would LOVE to see it go to 1350 to make a more defined shoulder but in reality I would guess we get no more than 1320 and I would be happy with 1300 for a exit out of this nail biting trade.$SPX&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&id=p91168787932

I plan to bail to the G fund on Thursday and reenter the week of August 11th while I am in NORMAN, OKLAHOMA. Does it mean they like you when they send you to Oklahoma in August..............twice. LOL

  1. First five months better when party retains White House.
  2. Public usually tires of political parties after two terms.
  3. War can be a major factor in Presidential races.
  4. Market bottoms two years after a Presidential election.
  5. Republicans won 7 of 8 incumbent-less races since 1900.
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