Bought QID $43.20, too. I could not pass it up QID is up against the 200 dma.
Monday is auction day at the Fed so I would not be surprised to see a rally.
I hope this trade works out for you. I'll be looking for a short-term trade on the Dark-Side soon myself and then to buy-em back long again once we get oversold again. However, we could still get more upside here so I'll use stops this time on any short positions, and I only short for a day trade.
NO WAY will I hold shorts over night in this market, so the crooks can get me at the gap up.
I sold the remaining shares of my UYG Friday @ 33.51, but I want to buy-em back soon.
My plan was to hold them all year, but for now I'm going to just keep trading them. I think I can still make a lot more money trading them for now.
At some point the trend will take off to the upside and this will no longer work and I'll hold-em. I don't want to fall in love with too many long positions over the summer.
I’m going to go away in May, but will look for set-ups to go long again and then back to cash this summer. For now oil and gas prices have me concerned, and if prices keep going up the Bulls case for a short mild recession is out the window.
We shall see! I told Bullitt, I’m going to stop posting so much soon, and stop all this time on this darn computer. Get out in the sunshine and smell the popcorn, draft beer, and hear the sounds at ball games and the movies. ( Action of course, with DLP and THX. )
After this last rally I’m now positive YTD in all accounts and will stay cautious until we get closer to the four quarter. The up coming election will cause some market swings for sure.
Pick your poison. I’m now calling myself an Independent after watching the debates from both sides. Mudsling and lies from both sides. They can promise all that want. I got news for them, it’s the Congress that make changes for the people not those knuckleheads.
Yeah, all of them, both sides! My opinion and I will not debate politics with anyone so no more on this subject, but it does relate to the market this fall. That’s why I mentioned it.
I'll be looking to see what Oscar has to say about next week. I'm heavy in cash again. I also follow Sentiment Trader for short-term positions and he's also now cautious after the big run we had last week. I will look to get back into TSP if we get weakness back down around 1350 or lower this week.
I of course reserve the right to change my buy in point since this crazy market can do anything in the short-run. If we rally that’s ok too, since I still have some LT positions.
However, the Bulls must show-me here! Ha, no pun intended my friend.....
The pump monkeys will be out from both camps Monday selling the retail investor the goods. Buy, no sell, no cash, no it’s to early, no wait, can’t you read the charts, maybe, could, should, might, we think, possible, unlikely, wait and see, no it’s time to buy. That will be 39.99 a month and trading in the market is risky and could result in losses. You think!
Yeah, you get my point. I’m sticking with Henry for LT positions and short-term trading overbought-oversold at resistance and support levels. Watching Oscar, Sentiment Trader, and a few others to try and get an edge.
This is why Perm bulls and Perm bears on CNBC are to be avoided here. Also the crooks will be trying to shake all the weak hands lose and we are getting close to the weakest 6 months of the year. Yep, I think I'll go away in May…….
I also spend quite a bit of time at traders-talk reading the bull bear debates, but lately it's getting ugly. I did follow quite a star last week, Blustar. His net profit was about $154K for the week. He showed his trades as he made them last week.
Good trading/investing to all next week…
Take Care!