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Question about do they ever make any bold predictions on their own. It looks like they stay right in line basically with every pick. I look at the Michigan data now even I knew it was going to be much lower than predicted so I stayed in the G Fund.
Have you read that more US farmers are pulling croplands out of the conservation program and planting them? Bad for the environment, but....One good thing may come of this crisis...the end of crop subsidies - paying farmers NOT to plant to keep prices artificially inflated. Farmers can now make more money growing than NOT growing. Very refreshing!
and they say we are dependent on gas!!!!! well some of us have to get to work, with no mass transiet in place. i drive to work and back and that is it !!! i have thought about a motorcycle tho, but thats another initial expense !!! what to do !!!!
I love my Chevy Trailblazer, it gets 130 mpg. I car pool with 5 people and the car gets 26 mpg*5people=130 mpg.GUCHI,
Suck it up like I do and buy a small cheap car to drive back and forth to work. I bought a 1991 Toyota Corolla with 117k miles three years ago for $1200 and now have well over 200k miles and have minimal mechanical issues. It is a two door that gets 30+ mpg and still going.
Cars are well design now days, especially Toyota, and can go well over 200k miles with good maintenance scheduling. Even with all the maintenance I have done, I figure it cost me $1,000 dollars a year plus fuel cost. Try buying a new or newer used car for a $1,000 a year.
Even if you buy a lower mpg car but get it on the cheap you save money not having the huge up front cost or payments and full coverage insurance. I run with liability insurance and if I hit a deer and total the car I drag it to the junk yard, sell it for $200 and go buy another one.
Be the biggest tight wad you know and your friends will envy you after a while. A lot of the folks I work with love my car after I tell them what I just told you and are driving new cars with big loan and insurance payments.