Show-me Account Talk

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Thanks, info on bees not something I'd have come across. Interesting and scary.

No one knows what China routinely dumps into our food and air, and turns out no one really gives a damn. So sad.

No one knows what China routinely dumps into our food and air, and turns out no one really gives a damn. So sad.

Gail, if you only knew what our own country is fully aware about in regards to the foods that flood the stores and our pantries. Tobacco and all the other garbage. China is no different from us, everyone will do what they can to make a buck for as long as they can. It is sad, very sad.

SHOW-ME, I have no idea what's going on with you BUT YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST VALUABLE TREASURES THIS SITE HAS - I hope your health gets better and better.
Thanks mojo! I pray you stay well. After about 10 years of battling this one I am having more trouble feeling sorry for myself. I look around and see people that have it harder than me on a daily basis and count myself lucky.

The really hard emotional part is putting myself in my wifes and kids shoes and trying to just imagine just a little bit what she is feeling. She wants us to grow very, very old TOGETHER. So do I.

Show-me my deepest feelings and respect go out to you for your positive attitude under such difficult conditions and may only the best come your way. My Father, wht00ss had a very positive attitude even under the cloud of cancer but at least he lived life to the fullest which I'm sure you are doing as well. Marines know what to do under pressure. :)

I have said before I picked up where my dad and I left off with taking care of animals and one of our regular vets only 48 yr old female got breast cancer and unfortunately it has spread and she is looking for a bone marrow transplant but she is still working and being as positive as possible under the circumstances. Sometimes the things you go through are more painful to the people around you - she has two kid and her husband is a vet who works with our animals as well.

Everything I have read from you has always been positive or humorous so staying positive keeps that immune system up.

God speed and I know my Father who had alot of respect for you would give you a big Semper Fi because Marines always have each others backs. I grew up in that environment so you got my prayers every Sunday in church and let's see if we can get God to get your back as well.


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Gail, if you only knew what our own country is fully aware about in regards to the foods that flood the stores and our pantries. Tobacco and all the other garbage. China is no different from us, everyone will do what they can to make a buck for as long as they can. It is sad, very sad.

SHOW-ME, I have no idea what's going on with you BUT YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST VALUABLE TREASURES THIS SITE HAS - I hope your health gets better and better. __________________

You're right, and sadly, it seems congress works against our welfare. They allow ingredients like corn syrup and chemical concoctions in very nearly everything we eat. The populace is overweight. malnourished and prone to disease and too many times, this can be traced to lawmakers doing favors and lining pockets. I haven't tried this, but I've read that even flies won't eat the whipped chemicals sold as butter substitutes.

My granddaughter is in third grade. We try to ignore the things growing on her chest, but my baby angel needs a bra. She's nine -- this is so wrong. She has a butt like a Georgia-grown watermelon and now breast and hell, ...trouble on the way.

Thanks for letting me bend your collective ear, guys.

Moved my stop up a bit and made it good until canceled, just in case I get killed on the road this weekend. Road trip!!!

This SDS trade is up 2.4% and I think it will go higher.
The Week Ahead

The Week Ahead

Last Update: 15-Feb-08 10:23 ET

The stock and bond markets are closed Monday for Presidents Day. Market activity picks up again Tuesday with a widely anticipated earnings report from retail bellwether Wal-Mart (WMT).

Other noteworthy companies scheduled to report earnings in the coming week include Hewlett-Packard(HPQ), Transocean (RIG), TJX Companies(TJX), JC Penney (JCP), Newmont Mining (NEM), and Express Scripts (ESRX). Additional companies scheduled to report earnings can be previewed on our Earnings Calendar.

The January CPI and Housing Starts reports, both of which are out on Wednesday, highlight the economic calendar. Meanwhile, the minutes from the most recent FOMC meeting will also be released Wednesday. A complete schedule of the week's economic data is available on our Economic Calendar.
Monday, February 18:
  • Market closed in observance of Presidents Day
Tuesday, February 19:
  • Earnings: Medco Health (MHS), Medtronic (MDT), OfficeMax (OMX), Wal-Mart (WMT), Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Whole Foods (WFMI)
  • Economic Data: None
  • Events: None
  • Conferences: Credit Suisse Capital Goods Conference
  • Fed Speakers: Minneapolis Fed President Stern speaks on U.S. economy in Minnesota (9:00 AM ET)
Wednesday, February 20:
  • Earnings: Garmin(GRMN), Health Management (HMA), Transocean (RIG), TJX Co's (TJX), Hertz Global (HTZ)
  • Economic Data: January CPI; January Building Permits and Housing Starts
  • Events: FOMC Minutes from January meeting
  • Conferences: Credit Suisse Capital Goods Conference
  • Fed Speakers: St. Louis Fed President Poole speaks at Truman State University in Missouri
Thursday, February 21:
  • Earnings: Barrick Gold (ABX), JC Penney (JCP), MGM Mirage (MGM), Newmont Mining (NEM), Safeway (SWY), Williams Co's (WMB), Express Scripts (ESRX)
  • Economic Data: Weekly Initial Jobless Claims (week ending Feb. 16); January Leading Indicators, and; February Philadelphia Fed Index
  • Events: Weekly Crude Inventories (week ending Feb. 16)
  • Conferences: Credit Suisse Global Forest Products Conference
  • Fed Speakers: None
Friday, February 22:
  • Earnings: Huntsman(HUN), PG&E (PCG)
  • Economic Data: None
  • Events: None
  • Conferences: Credit Suisse Chinese Insurers as Investments Conference
  • Fed Speakers: None
--Jeffrey Ham,
I was gone all day to the city to do my annual cancer screening. Beings it was a snow day they had a few cancellations. City folks don't like to drive in snow. It was 120 miles each way. I digress, while I was there I had them cut off a lesion that had me concerned.


It's amazing that all this time we didn't know what you have gone through. It's admirable and I apologize for not showing my support in writing to you until now. I have a lot on my plate at this time, but not enough to make a pause and thank you for all your support= you share your knowledge, expertise and good humor with us, not expecting anything in return.

Keep up the good attitude, harmony in your life, body and spirit, as all is connected. I have you in my prayers. This is also the TSPTalk family you have here, and we are all here for you.

God bless,


Gail, if you only knew what our own country is fully aware about in regards to the foods that flood the stores and our pantries. Tobacco and all the other garbage. China is no different from us, everyone will do what they can to make a buck for as long as they can. It is sad, very sad.

SHOW-ME, I have no idea what's going on with you BUT YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST VALUABLE TREASURES THIS SITE HAS - I hope your health gets better and better. __________________

You're right, and sadly, it seems congress works against our welfare. They allow ingredients like corn syrup and chemical concoctions in very nearly everything we eat. The populace is overweight. malnourished and prone to disease and too many times, this can be traced to lawmakers doing favors and lining pockets. I haven't tried this, but I've read that even flies won't eat the whipped chemicals sold as butter substitutes.

My granddaughter is in third grade. We try to ignore the things growing on her chest, but my baby angel needs a bra. She's nine -- this is so wrong. She has a butt like a Georgia-grown watermelon and now breast and hell, ...trouble on the way.

Thanks for letting me bend your collective ear, guys.


Don't mean to convert anyone here... However, we don't have to go to China to find out why things are happening to people here in the USA, as in Kaitlinsnana's granddaughter. Find out how many hormones, chemicals, additives, antibiotics, vaccines and who knows how much stuff the "industry" right here in the USA injects into our foods. Especially the cattle industry, very powerful, made us believe we need to consume meat/dairy products to be healthy; poultry the same thing (when I seldom eat poultry it's from Sam's certified "no hormones, no additives" as buying organic is just too expensive for my budget), imagine the dairy products loaded as well with all the stuff they feed cattle, it's coming right out of their bodies into yours, and then milk, cheese and other dairy products are produced to make us "healthier" ughhh. Anyway, no wonder I don't eat red meat.
If anyone is interested, you can in a way get rid of some hormone levels by giving meats a quick boil before cooking, remove immediately and cook as you wish, no harm done, protein levels remain the same, at least they do in my case.

As for the populace being overweight... most people plain overeat, it's now called obesity having reached epidemic proportions especially meats, fast food, processed food, not enough fruit and vegetables, and please don't believe I'm defending the Chinese, I myself had to get rid of a lot of toys purchased for relatives last yr, decided to not buy anything made in China to be on the safe side. However, it's like a joke, as equipment we buy every day and use at work or at home, even if it says made in the USA, at least 50% of the component parts are made in China and a lot of them have "acceptable" lead levels in them... oh well can we do, just learn more and more about what' going on and write our Congressmen, at least I do as do other friends.

Gail, don't know what kind of diet your granddaughter has, but please pay attention to this, as her own hormone levels are increasing at a faster rate than "normal", and this could bring cancerigenous cells in her reproductive organs later on in life.

Let's eat healthier, let's eat smarter...

Thanks Show-Me, don't mean to scare anyone - imagine how I felt when one day I was having a real nice piece of chicken for lunch and an ex-co-worker, who was totally vegetarian, told me I was eating a cadaver:blink: ... of course I have a quick laugh and made a quick come back to him but that stuck in my mind forever.
Let's eat healthier, let's eat smarter...
Let your food be your medicine, and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates
Doom and gloom.

My two cents from the bear cave.

LOL, I was just reading about Symmetrical Triangles here.

I am trying to determine if the break out will be to the up or down side. Me thinks down as the physiology of the market is breaking down. The credit crisis is more that just having credit available to banks. It is getting the banks to loan money to folks.

As the Fed cuts rate to take pressure off of the borrower and make more credit available to lenders, they are squeezing the consumer with higher commodity prices. Wheat at $10 a bush and all of the many Ethanol plant plans have been put on indefinite hold in this area.

Consumer confidence is weak at best. The Dem's are frothing at the mouth to hike the Capital Gains tax and Warren Buffet is cheering them on. When they get that one done that will be the day to be SDS. Sell your long term cap. gains stock before the new tax code is enacted.

I just can't see us breaking out to the upside. Fed speakers on Tue. and Wed. and Poole is speaking at Truman which is out my back door. I am tempted to go to that one. Cough, cough.

With the bad ED we got last week and nothing has been resolved. Bond insures are just spinning off the bad bets in order to keep triple A rating on Muni's. That is just a shell game.

Bring on the pain!

Winds of change I feel. Our third largest supplier of oil is drying up in the next seven years. The Comptroller General of the GAO is preaching fiscal tsunami in the next few years. Commodity prices are breaking us and the next President will raise taxes to boot. As my friend at work would say confluence, referring to the biblical.
My prayers are with you and your family. I look for your moves on a daily basis and value your comments here at TSPTalk. Miracles and cures do happen. . . nsurf9.

Wow ... I had no clue. But then, a lot of people tell me that I'm clueless.

Seriously ... I want to add my well wishes to those already tendered by everyone here. This board would be seriously diminished in numerous ways if you were not here.

Beekeeping ... now that is one field I could never do as bees, wasps, etc scare the living bejesus out of me. Maybe it was that wasp that stung me on the top of my head when I was little ... or the nest of yellowjackets that I mowed over (twice) ... or the other nasty encounters with stinging insects I've had over the years. Just keep them away from me! ::shudder:: I *do* love honey, though. :D
Hi Show Me:

My best wishes to you and your family. I certainly hope the very best things will come your way and I know our prayers are always answered.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

A stock that may be worth watching is MHS. My BCBS health plan switched from Caremark to Medco. When it switched from Medco to Caremark, Caremark shot up like a rocket. I just refilled some prescriptions and notice a major increase in my portion.

Just a thought.

Removed my stop temporarily as I need to pick a wide stop point with the wild market swings.

I see Tom's comments are similar to mine about the triangle forming. Fire when ready!
Premarket looking hot, hot, hot!!! Walmart exceeded expectation, but is this a sell the rally day.


I'm not fading you anymore. I sold the Big Gap up. I could have left money on the table, but in this market 4% gains are to be taken and stay nibble my friend!

If we look to sell-off again I'll hedge my TSP with a short like Richard talked about in his report. It's a spread I use to protect long positions in my TSP account when I don't want to move my positions. Long TSP and short in my Brokerage account. Anyway, Richard talks about it in his report if your not use to hedging positions.

The Boyz would have stopped you out early @ 61.36 if you hadn't changed it. The crooks will be at it all week running it up and down and taking out stops from Da-Bulls and Da-Bears.

Good Trading and Take Care!
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