Gail, if you only knew what our own country is fully aware about in regards to the foods that flood the stores and our pantries. Tobacco and all the other garbage. China is no different from us, everyone will do what they can to make a buck for as long as they can. It is sad, very sad.
SHOW-ME, I have no idea what's going on with you BUT YOU ARE UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST VALUABLE TREASURES THIS SITE HAS - I hope your health gets better and better. __________________
You're right, and sadly, it seems congress works against our welfare. They allow ingredients like corn syrup and chemical concoctions in very nearly everything we eat. The populace is overweight. malnourished and prone to disease and too many times, this can be traced to lawmakers doing favors and lining pockets. I haven't tried this, but I've read that even flies won't eat the whipped chemicals sold as butter substitutes.
My granddaughter is in third grade. We try to ignore the things growing on her chest, but my baby angel needs a bra. She's nine -- this is so wrong. She has a butt like a Georgia-grown watermelon and now breast and hell, ...trouble on the way.
Thanks for letting me bend your collective ear, guys.
Don't mean to convert anyone here... However, we don't have to go to China to find out why things are happening to people here in the USA, as in Kaitlinsnana's granddaughter. Find out how many hormones, chemicals, additives, antibiotics, vaccines and who knows how much stuff the "industry" right here in the USA injects into our foods. Especially the cattle industry, very powerful, made us believe we need to consume meat/dairy products to be healthy; poultry the same thing (when I seldom eat poultry it's from Sam's certified "no hormones, no additives" as buying organic is just too expensive for my budget), imagine the dairy products loaded as well with all the stuff they feed cattle, it's coming right out of their bodies into yours, and then milk, cheese and other dairy products are produced to make us "healthier" ughhh. Anyway, no wonder I don't eat red meat.
If anyone is interested, you can in a way get rid of some hormone levels by giving meats a quick boil before cooking, remove immediately and cook as you wish, no harm done, protein levels remain the same, at least they do in my case.
As for the populace being overweight... most people plain overeat, it's now called obesity having reached epidemic proportions especially meats, fast food, processed food, not enough fruit and vegetables, and please don't believe I'm defending the Chinese, I myself had to get rid of a lot of toys purchased for relatives last yr, decided to not buy anything made in China to be on the safe side. However, it's like a joke, as equipment we buy every day and use at work or at home, even if it says made in the USA, at least 50% of the component parts are made in China and a lot of them have "acceptable" lead levels in them... oh well can we do, just learn more and more about what' going on and write our Congressmen, at least I do as do other friends.
Gail, don't know what kind of diet your granddaughter has, but please pay attention to this, as her own hormone levels are increasing at a faster rate than "normal", and this could bring cancerigenous cells in her reproductive organs later on in life.
Let's eat healthier, let's eat smarter...
Thanks Show-Me, don't mean to scare anyone - imagine how I felt when one day I was having a real nice piece of chicken for lunch and an ex-co-worker, who was totally vegetarian, told me I was eating a cadaver:blink: ... of course I have a quick laugh and made a quick come back to him but that stuck in my mind forever.
Let's eat healthier, let's eat smarter...
Let your food be your medicine, and medicine be your food. - Hippocrates