Show-me Account Talk

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I may have bought my SDS a little early but I thought we would rally a little higher toward the end of the day. I wanted to be set up if we did. I should have waited, but I am not in that bad a position.
Thursday, February 14:
  • Earnings:Comcast (CMCSA), Daimler AG (DAI), Goodyear Tire (GT), Ingersoll Rand (IR), Marriott (MAR)
  • Economic Data: Weekly Initial Jobless Claims (week ending Feb. 9)... December Trade Balance
  • Events: None
  • Conferences: Credit Suisse Software Conference
  • Fed Speakers: Fed Chairman Bernanke, Treasury Secretary Paulson, and SEC Chairman Cox testify before Senate Committee (10:00 ET); Chicago Fed President Evans speaks on U.S. economic outlook in Chicago (1:30 PM ET); and Former Fed Chairman Greenspan speaks about economy (7:30 PM ET)
Friday, February 15:
  • Earnings: Abercrombie(ANF), Campbell Soup (CPB), Hormel Foods (HRL)
  • Economic Data: January Import and Export Prices... February's New York Empire State Index... December Net Foreign Purchases... January Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization... February's Preliminary Univ. Michigan Consumer Sentiment
  • Events: None
  • Conferences: None
  • Fed Speakers: Fed Governor Mishkin speaks on tools for financial disruptions (1:15 PM ET)
--Jeffrey Ham,
Oscar is sitting this one out because one his rules is to not trade before a three day weekend. His experience is that the week prior to the three day weekend is a false run and will reverse next week. He will not trade until midday Tuesday.

Very interesting!

Show -Me,
Thanks for posting Oscar for us. He gave me the courage to get back in and hopefully, earn a percent back this week. Let's hope he stays on a roll
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Show Me,

I'm a bit more 'worried' about options expiration than the 3 day weekend theory. The action to the upside this week still lacks strong buyer conviction. Oscar is a pretty sharp, confident trader. I've followed Brian Shannon for a while now. I know he makes some profitable trades, but he's taken mostly a neutral stance since July 2007. Shannon is good, no doubt, but he knows alot more about what's going on behind the scenes than he let's on in his blog.

I actually emailed Shannon a few weeks back regarding his opinion on the removal of the uptick rule. He replied that it's making for much quicker action on the drops and squeezes. Really doesn't help any of us since none of us are in the same league as him, but I'm sure from his standpoint, it's just another way to make the fast money come in even faster.
Apparently the have improved the turn over time for my blood test. Slightly elevated Calcitonin which means cell growth. Next check up in Aug. with a CT, Ultrasound, and more blood work.

Growth is slow and that is a big plus.
SDS in not tracking S&P exactly today. SDS was hit with some major profit taking the last few minutes of the session. That is OK as I think we will at least test the lows. Also SDS missed filling its gap by .55, we shall see. :D

Set my stop for SDS at $60 which is 4.2% below the current price. I set it there in case it tries to fill the gap and bounces back.
I will add that I am up 1.858% on this trade and got shorted from the profit taking at the end of the day. That bothers me some because there is some wiggle room in the 2X short ETF due to market volatility. Note to self.
Cancer is no fun. I had a high grade sarcoma removed from my right tricep in 1990. Had local radiation, no chemo. Hoping I'm out of the woods at this point.

Stay well Show-me. Thanks for all your input here. I'm getting a good financial education here from all the regulars.
Thanks mojo! I pray you stay well. After about 10 years of battling this one I am having more trouble feeling sorry for myself. I look around and see people that have it harder than me on a daily basis and count myself lucky.

The really hard emotional part is putting myself in my wifes and kids shoes and trying to just imagine just a little bit what she is feeling. She wants us to grow very, very old TOGETHER. So do I.
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While I am on my cancer soap box I will share with you a article I read in Bee Culture magazine. As some of you know I am a hobby beekeeper since I was a kid. I attended a seminar this fall and the subject, of course, was CCD Colony Collapse Disorder. This is the disorder that is making the honey bees disappear. No dead bees in the hive or on the ground.

When bees sense they are ill it is their natural instinct to fly away from the colony to die. This protects the colony from spreading a potential disease. Now that is self sacrifice for the greater good.

We are learning that beekeepers may be the cause of this disorder. Commercial beekeepers are basically businessmen/farmers that rent colonies out to nut and produce farmer to pollinate crops. Crops that are pollinated heavily by honey bees produce a third more fruit.

In order to build up colony strength in late winter early spring, commercial beeks (beekeepers) feed them pollen and honey substitute to get brood production up and in turn population up. They do this because they take as much of the honey as they can cuz they get more money for the honey that the honey substitute cost.

That honey substitute is corn syrup, because it is cheap, and we are finding now that it has no nutritional value to the bees and is making them weak.

Weak bees get sick easy and their immune systems can not fight disease when they are week.

Bees wax or honey comb is a natural chemical sponge. They are now discovering that honey comb is trapping all of the environmental toxins and they are building up and effecting the development of newly hatched bees.

The toxins come from the air, the pesticides and herbicides sprayed on the flower that the bees get pollen and nectar from. The bees take it back to the colony and store it in the honey comb and the wax absorbs the chemicals. Some have a half life of 5 years. Some chemicals are from the beeks to fight the parasites.

Now some of that wax honey comb is used for brood production. It is full to toxins and the Queen does not know that and lays eggs in it. Now the bees are developing in a chemical ladened womb.

Now we have a number of parricides and diseases in North American that effect honey bees. We are learning now that if we keep our bees health and fat they can beat the parasites.

Bees are one of the lower life form and are easily affected by chemicals. My point is that if you eat and drink crap. Breath crap and live in crap you will get sick too. Make sense? See the correlation?

My bees are chemical free and while they do have the parasites they are able to keep them in check. I treat my bees very well and make sure I do not take much of their honey stores so that they are health for the next year.
Stay well show-me. The war on terror is nothing compared to the war we face with our health. We must look out for number one first so we can take care of all our #2's.
Show Me,

I'm a bit more 'worried' about options expiration than the 3 day weekend theory. The action to the upside this week still lacks strong buyer conviction. Oscar is a pretty sharp, confident trader. I've followed Brian Shannon for a while now. I know he makes some profitable trades, but he's taken mostly a neutral stance since July 2007. Shannon is good, no doubt, but he knows alot more about what's going on behind the scenes than he let's on in his blog.

I actually emailed Shannon a few weeks back regarding his opinion on the removal of the uptick rule. He replied that it's making for much quicker action on the drops and squeezes. Really doesn't help any of us since none of us are in the same league as him, but I'm sure from his standpoint, it's just another way to make the fast money come in even faster.

This is going to be a really cool few days to experience. I'm excited to see how the market will react to all of the churning from the bond insurers, politicians, earning, and ED.

Next Wednesday is CPI, that will tell the tale if we can trust the data.
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